Hi all dear friends , just a little reminder, that tomorrow is the day
for picking a winner for my giveaway!!!!!!!! Last change to comment,
for those that might wish to....

And a new little ( 18 cm high) mermaid , she is 17 dollars, and 95,-dkr.
Love and hugs ,Dorthe
That looks quite charming and enchanting, dear Dorthe. So delicate colors! Wow!
Fanastic new doll. Love it.
Yoohoo, Dorthe, I am back from France, just in time for the draw! I am so glad I can read your blog again now. The internet is the only thing really which I miss at the cottage.
Are those crocus flowers from your garden?
Deine Seejungfrau ist total süß geworden, liebe Dorthe! Ich dachte mir schon, dass die Muscheln da hin kommen würden, hi, hi! Die Krokusse sehen sehr hübsch aus, besonders die mit den zarten fliederfarbenen Streifen!
Einen schönen Abend wünsche ich Dir!
Kys og knus und ganz liebe Grüße,
Such beautiful things! I love your dollies too. Your artist class project is -gorgeous-! You're so sweet and thank you for stopping by my blog. :) I'm getting better everyday!
Warm Hugs,
Hi Dorthe! You are always so sweet with your comments. Thank you so much! I'm crossing me fingers for your giveaway, but whoever wins they will be a lucky lucky girl!!! Have a great week sweetie!
My Desert Cottage
Valentine Design
Whow Dorthe, this mermaid in blue is so wonderful.
I love 'her'.
Great work!!
Oh, she's so sweet, Dorthe! I love her little seashell bra! ;-)
Oh that mermaid - and me with an ocean front condo! If only I had seen her before you mailed the sweet dolly - she could have been riding along also! You will definately have to create one for me later! If ai am the lucky winner of that beautiful vintage dressed doll - I will do cartwheels all around my yard!
She is beautiful, great post.
Dorthe, your little mermaid is lovely! Love the colouring that you have used for her.
the mermaid is beautiful and i love her.
i did not see it until now and i hope i can still draw in for this give away.
great work you make and i like your artwork
Hi Dorthe,
Oh that sweet mermaid is the prettiest little girl ever. Your talent amazes me. She is perfect.
I didn't keep the hammered aluminum for myself. LuLu bought it to go with her other pieces.
If you do not know LuLu, you might want to pay her a visit. She's a sweetie and a very talented artist.
Her name is LuLuKellog. I will get the blog address and send to you.
What a beautiful mermaid, Dorthe--you make the loveliest things!
Hope you are having a wonderful day!
She's so cute and your flowers are beautiful!
Have a great day!
Hun er SÅ vakker!!!
Deine Meerjungfrau ist so toll, Dorthe! So wunderschön!
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