Thursday, April 15, 2010

Erosion Bundle opened,fantastic buy,beautifull gifts

Not long ago my dear friend VIOLA showed a so fantastic collage on her blog.
It is made of fabric,papers,buttons,stamps,lace,metal,-all together becoming a most beautifull, and gorgeus collage-----I had to aks to buy it.
And I was so happy when Viola said yes.
Look how she painted all ,to be a whole....
I so love it.,it is a wonderfull piece of art,dear.
When opening the packet, I found that it was also filled with the most wonderfull gifts. First this tag,so very beautifull,-look how the colours all matches..and with the collage,too
--love the fantastic feathers.

And look at this! I have admired it when seeing it on Violas blog,because of its wonderfull beauty,
it is a very special ATC, with so much work in it.
Thanks so much again sweetie.

And this wonderfull bird theemed canwas ,made with beeswax, is so soft to touch,lovely.
And read the text, --made me smile!!!!

also added was this very old ,
and beautifully looking little" book"
I feel so blessed, recieving such gorgeus gifts,
I love the art of Viola, she has a very giftet talent, and is a most sweet and dear friend.

Thankyou so ,my dear Viola, from my heart,
I love my gifts and all you do, very much, and am so happy being your friend,
you are so generous, ------and- lieb- to me.


Also I have to show you ,the result of my Erosion bundle.It was to open up today, and I was not dissapointed!!!!
This is a piece of copper, starting to turn gree,-love it

And the fabric here, got the look of almost a batic colored
piece of cloth,because of a red fabric laying on top.
The papers,also took color of water, and rust, and is now very beautifull looking
in a more brown tone, and the lace got the most special,light rose colored
tone, with a little bit of rust in it,too.

This was a special and exiting experiment, and I will certainly take part next year again--
now a little bit more "educated", in how,-and with what.....
Wishing you all, a happy evening, and all the best for tomorrow,
Love and hugs,


Lululiz said...

Oh Dorthe, you lucky girl, you bought one of Viola's gorgeous creations! I love her work as well. The gifts she sent with it are so beautiful. Where are you going to display them? Will you show us photos? xx

Hopemore Studio said...
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Vicki Boster said...

Dorthe - Your little treasure trove of gifts are just so much fun. I love tha youhave shared those with all of us. They are really very special, indeed! The collage is just beautiful!

Love the erosion project - the colors are just magnificent - what a great idea! I know youare going to make something fabulous out of all your new goodies! I can hardly wait to see what it will be!


Diane said...

Oh Dorthe, I don't know where to start. Viola is a very talented and generous artist--everything is beautiful. And I LOVE that erosion bundle--such eye candy!

Lisa said...

Oh your erosion bundle turned out awesome! I so want to do that next year. I think it's fascinating how nature can manipulate materials in such a marvelous way. Your friend Viola is indeed talented. I loved her bird with beeswax. Lisa

PS word verification is keester!

Debby said...

OH my, look at all your beautiful gifts, they are so fabulous, I love everything. I also really love your erosion bundle, awesome.

Heavens2Betsy said...

Your erosion bundle has yielded amazing results. I love this whole idea. And your artwork and gifts from Viola are delicious x

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Dorthe,
I can see why you are in love with Viola's creation. It is so lovely
and a real treasure to keep forever.

Take care my sweet friend.



Sue said...

What beautiful treasures you received from Viola!

I loved seeing how your erosion bundle fared. I think I would like to do this next year. What a great experiment....and it would be fun to use the items afterwards.



Anonymous said...

Dorthe, your purchase and the little enclosed gifts are wonderful!

And your erosion bundle...oh my! Fantastic stuff!! WHAT FUN this must have been!!!


Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Hi Dorthe,
your one lucky girl - it looks all just gorgeous.I Iove Viola's art as well.Your erosion bundle came out pretty good.Have a wonderful weekend.

Sandy said...

Ein wunderschönes Geschenk von Viola.
Ich freu mich für Dich liebe Dorthe.

Ein wunderschönes Wochenende wünsche ich Dir meine Liebe.

My Creative House said...

Dorthe your purchase are so wonderful, Viola is a great artist, wow your bundle looks fantastic, det var vist godt at det kom under vand, du må have en hyggelig weekend, vi skal jo til barnedåb i morgen, glæder mig til at se mine børn samlet.
Knus og kærlig hilsen Anni

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Hallo Sweetie, ich bin gerade mit dem Geschenk für heute nachmittag fertig geworden und kann jetzt nochmal in Ruhe schauen, was Du so Schönes von Viola bekommen hast. Die Collage ist wieder traumhaft schön, ebenso das Tag und die anderen Goodies. Das ist ja lieb, dass sie Dir so viele, tolle Kreationen dazu gelegt hat!
Dein Rostbündel ist klasse geworden! Vielleicht finde ich im Herbst auch ein Plätzchen, wo ich eins aufhängen kann.
Jetzt muss ich mich umziehen und dann fahre ich los zu meine Freundin. Sie hat Orangentorte angekündigt. Mhh, lecker :-).
Ich wünsche Dir noch einen schönen Nachmittag!
Viele, liebe Grüße und kys, kys,

Anne Lorys said...

That really is a gorgeous collage, Viola certainly is talented!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Rhonda said...

Dorthe - how beautiful and inspiring your post is. Those colors are wonderful. Lucky you to buy that beautiful collage.

I must check out Viola's blog.

Deborah said...

Great results with your erosion bundle!

Lisa said...

how sweet...such a wonderful array of treasures you've received!
I love what 's happening with the copper in your erosion bundle.. fantastic indeed!

Anonymous said...

Så fantastiska gåvor du erhåller. Grattis.....ha nu en riktigt skön helg och njut av våren för den har väl kommit till Er också eller hur?

Viola said...

Dorthe, Du bist soooo lieb! Freue mich, dass es Dir gefällt. Mir gefällt Dein Rostbündel sehr. Das muß ich auch mal ausprobieren! Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende, Viola

Yitte said...

Dorthe, that's a beautiful erosion budle. I love your collage from Viola and the beautiful goodies you received from her. The bird tag is gorgeous!!

Rustique Gal said...

Dear Dorthe, What a lovely purchase/gift you received in the mail. Viola is very talented!

I want to hear more about the erosion bundle. This is fascinating to me. I have an experimental book rotting under the gutter, but I love your sample of things in the bundle! Did you just leave it outside? how long?
Great Ideas!!!

Kim Dellow said...

Oh that is just so wonderful! Well done for buying it. Kim

sharon said...

A beautiful purchase you made and some incredible gifts!! Kindness is returned twofold!!

The Rustic Victorian said...

Hi Dorthe!
How beautiful Violas work is.
The bundle is fun, to see what nature does takes time.
Beauty in your Sunday and Garden!

Anonymous said...

Oh Dorthe!! Good buy! Simply lovely.

Oxana said...

WoW Dorthe! Så heldige du var!!!
Fantastiske ting! Tusen hjertelig takk for dine kjempesnille kommentarer i bloggen min!

Unknown said...

Dear Dorthe, I love your treats from Viola. I also love your bundle of goodies you experimented with.

Terri Kahrs said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful gifts from Viola. Lucky YOU! And I LOVE your erosion bundle - especially the way the copper turned green. Hugs, Terri xoxo

Seth said...

Beautiful changes to the ingedients of your bundle!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pieces you will have to work with for your erosion project. wonderful gifts from a friend.