This is the gift I send to my sweet friend JULIA from
.She made this wonderfull collage from my gifts, and when asking if I could show it here,she dearly said yes. She is a fantastic crafter, as you will see visiting her blog.
but I think it is a beautifull drawing.

A new little spring doll, also about 32 cm high and 325
50 dollars.

She is made out of almost only old fabricks.
Wishing you all a happy monday,with lots of creative pleasure.
Love and hugs
Gosh Dorthe Dein Doll ist wieder so wunderschön. Ich bin sprachlos. Klasse. Hugs.
Dorthe -
What a beautiful collage - I do love the way these photos all came together. I love collages also. This looks beautiful on your blog!
Your newest little doll is very lovely - she has a very happy and sweet face - someone is going to love her. I cannot wait to bring her little "sister" into my home very soon!
I always love coming here and looking at all of the photos you post--they're great. It's like looking throuh a magazine--love them!!
Love your new doll and this post is so beautiful, really enjoyed it.
Love your fantastic and beautiful new "dolly".
Hello Dorthe
I am amazed by your work, your dolls are lovely. I simply love the faces you paint.
I used to do fabric dolls but haven't done one in years, would like to try the cloth clay but don't seem to find the time right now.
Many blessings to you
I love the drawing and and all your dolls. They have such delightful character!
Hallo, liebe Dorthe, Deine Frühlingspuppe ist wieder ganz hinreißend und ihr Kleid ist wunderschön!
Ich bin schon gespannt, was aus Deinem Rostpaket herauskommt :-).
Gestern war es wegen Regen leider nichts mit Flohmarkt, dabei sollte eigentlich die Sonne scheinen. Enttäuscht war ich schon, aber vielleicht klappt es ja nächsten Sonntag.
Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Abend und schicke viele, liebe Grüße, knus og kys :-)
Your fruhling poppe is very lovely!!
Hi Dorthe, your new fabric doll is adorable, love visiting your fabulous blog, so inspirational x
Hi Dorthe!
Jeg elsker den vakre dokka! Du er utrolig flink til å tegne søte ansikter.
Klem fra
Hi Dorthe,
The collage is wonderful and really depicts your style and creativity! Beautiful, just like you!
I am loving your sweet little doll.
Her sweet little wrap and the button on the front, how sweet is that! How do you create those sweet faces with so much character.
Hello Sweet,
I just love what Julia did! Aren't friends just the best?! And she is a great one. You gifted her with some amazing treats Dorthe. BTW, what is an erosion bundle? I missed something, but it sounds cool.
Dorthe, what is an "erosion bundle"? It looks fascinating!
Beautiful doll, she is lovely...I so love seeing your dolls on your blog...they make me so happy. Amazing work, so much detail and the faces are so sweet. Hugs - Julie
Your spring doll is so beautiful Dorthe!!!! And I can't wait to see what's in the wonderful parcel too! What a sweetheart Julia is to have made a beautiful mosaic of your artwork, they each complement one another so much....sending you hugs dear friend, xxoo, Dawn
your new dolly is gorgeous and the collage from photos is very beautiful
Love the doll . It is fun to come see what you do every day LauraQ
Such a charming doll~ I just love the colors!
Dear Dorthe,
I love the collage, how beautiful.
Also I adore your latest doll and how very talented you are.
I hope that you have a lovely week
Så söt hon är din docka,vilka ögon:-)
Vad är en erosion bundle blir nyfiken på vad som finns i,hoppas du ochså får en fin vårdag
reale leben geht vor,deswegen fällt mir oft die zeit blogs auf meine liste zu besuchen und ein oder andere kommentar zu schreiben.
deine creationen sind wie immer wunderschön.
Liebe Grüße
Dorthe, this one is such a beauty. Your are so talented with your dolls.
Eine wirkliche Schönheit! Ganz zauberhaft, liebe Dorthe!
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