Today, in spite of the Islandisch volcano , spitting asches, and therefore making flying impossibly, I recieved a so special and beautifull gift, from a very sweet and dear friend -VICKI
Do you guess what i is?????
Look at this tag, giving a little hint,

knitted to the most dreamy,and fantastic birdsnest

One of my collages , in fabric and paper,
juicy and spring green, and Vicki ,used all kind of different yarns--
about 40 kind!!!! to create this fantastic nest.
I feel so very blessed to recieve this beautifull, and loving gift,
from so far away,- and I treasure our friendship so very much Vicki, dear.
Take a look at Vicki`s blog, to discover many more beautifull and whimsy
nests, and so many other fantastic knitted things,-to admire,-or to buy.
I`m so in love with this ,sweet nest, -it looks alive ,and so ready
to become a home for one of my old cotton birds.
Thankyou, dear-I love your gift.

One of my collages , in fabric and paper,
in lilac tones.
Tomorrow it is friday again,-
and another week has past,-but it was filled with beauty and love, recieved
from all the wonderfull friendships,here in blogland.
I feel so very blessed ,- thanks to you all.
I wishes you a happy and lovely week-end.
Blessings ,Dorthe
Wow Dorthe ein wunderschönes Geschenke und Deine Collage ist ein Traum. Fantastisch.
Your collages are always created so well, and that nest is amazing!!
Most fortunate of you to receive this precious gift.... LOVELY and unusual it different and darling.
Hallo, liebe Dorthe, Deine Collage ist traumhaft schön! Ich liebe die Farbkombination. Da warst Du ja schon wieder ganz schön fleißig!
Das Nest von Vicki ist sehr hübsch und passt ganz prima auf Deinen Kerzenhalter.
Ich e-maile Dir morgen ausführlich :-).
Schlaf gut und viele, liebe Grüße, kys og knus,
Hi Dorthe, oh my gosh what a beatuiful gift, the nest is amazing. Your collage is out of this world, love it. Blessings back to you, I love visiting your blog as I can feel the love from all over the world gathering around you.
Was für wunderschöne Kreationen! Die Collage ist ja hinreissend und der Kranz ist der absolute Hit!
Traumhafte Dinge!
Liebe Grüße
Hello Dorthe,
What a lovely creation and I can just see one of your little cotton birds are tucked inside. What a beautiful, thoughtful gift.
I love your lilac art piece. So beautiful.
I hope things are too bad with the volcanic ash lingering.
Also, I'm excited to get my package from you. You didn't have to do that you know.....but I'm glad you did.
What a lovely little nest you received! Your collage turned out beautifully, too!
Hi Dorthe,
What a wonderful surprise for you! It is lovely.
Thank you for all your sweet comments about the blog designs. Things are going really well! Take care sweetie!
My Desert Cottage
Valentine Design
Dorthe, It is easy to see why you are so blessed. Your kind words and gratitude come back to you a hundred fold.
The nest is fantastic, I can only image it's beauty in person.
Your lilac collage has so many layers of textiles, a very nice assemblage.
Hi Dorthe, Thank you for visiting my blog. I am just learning how to make mixed media art. I think I could learn alot from you.
Dorthe - You silly goose, you made me cry! I am so glad that you love the little nest, making it for you was a great and wonderful pleasure. I love seeing it displayed as you have! Enjoy it always and know that youare loved by so many people~~~
The nest is absolutely stunning and you are such a lucky girl to have received one! I have long admired her nests, they are quite incredible works of art. xx
What a beautiful collage and lovely nest Dorthe!
I collect eggs and nests - this is just soooo incredible - what a beautiful and unique gift. You have a speical friend! Jennifer come visit some time....jennsthreegraces from MD
I just love the beautiful nest. Such a lovely gift!
Beautiful collage Dorthe! And that nest is gorgeous!
Dorthe, this is AMAZINGLY beautiful!!
I agree with you about many special people that we'd never know otherwise....
Blessings and A Happy Weekend!
The nest is a beautiful work of art. I love the way you have displayed it.
The woven nest is beautiful and so sweet of your friend to send it to you. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Whow...what a wonderful gift for you!!!
The nest is very very beautitful and your collage is fabulous.
Great artwork, Dorthe.
Gorgeous!!! Both the knitted nest (what a dream) and your collage. Coming here always gives me a glimpse into a different world... Love, Silke
Hi sweet friend. Your newest collage is just beautiful. Your style is so You! & I always love everything you do. I'm crazy about Vicki's bird nests too. I saw Dawn's & I think I need to order one for myself. They are truly magical.
The yarn nest is incredible. I started knitting because I was so intrigued by the textures, and I'm having fun looking over every inch of the nest to count the different yarns. Then I'm off to visit Vicki's blog.
Dorthe, your nest is lovely! I just love mine.
Auch diese Collage ist wieder super schön und das Nest von Vicky ganz zauberhaft.
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