One blog that I newly discovered, is the wonderful blog of Diane DIANE KNOTT`S MUSINGS
She is doing the most beautifull carts and tags, and alwayes encouraging all others, to use her ideas, and tecnic, trying to make our own little art pieces , in our own way.
And as I love all she is doing, I had to try making my own butterfly after her directions

Please visit Diane, for futher explanations on doing your own little
butterfly, and see how wonderfull she uses them.
My giveaway is running till 14 april so there is plenty of time for
those who wants to try their luck on my doll......
Thanks to all of you who already commented ,Makes me so happy to know ,that
you all would be happy to win my doll.
Wishing you a very happy easter, dear friends
Hugs and love, Dorthe
Oh ww Dorthe ein Traum von einem Schmetterling. Gefällt mir sehr gut.
Ich wünsche Dir frohe Ostern.
That is so pretty!!! And so inspiring...I want to go make one right now :)
Thank you for sharing...
Dorthe your burrerfly is very beautiful, Nej hvor er den da bare sød Dorthe, og så fint den er dekoreret, man skulle måske prøve at lave nogle til at pynte i blomsterne.
Kærlig hilsen Anni
Så fin den är fjärilen,tack för tipset....ha en fortsatt skön helg
Dorthe, Your butterfly is beautiful and I too want to visit your friends blog to get the instructions. I wanted to ask what your Blog name means. I thought it might be "The Little Lady." Hope you don't mind my trying to guess.
Have a beautiful Spring day!
Dorthe, this is just charming and so perfect for spring! Happy Easter!
hola!!...beautifulllll!!!! and l love your eastern eggs!!!!!!
happy eastern for you!!!besos!!!
Wow, your butterfly is so gorgeous, Dorthe! What a neat technique! BTW I have gone back and put a link directly to your blog. I know that it was already on the So Artful challenge blog, but this will make it easier for bloggers to check out your wonderful dolls.
What a lovely butterfly! I found you through Bella Rosa's blog.
jeanette from
So magical!!!
Thank you!!!
I enjoyed my visit to your welcoming space!!!
This is such a pretty butterfly Dorthe, lovely work my friend and Happy Easter
hugs June xxxxx
what a fantastic butterfly!!!
Hi Dorthe!
I think your paper butterfly is so pretty. The colors are magnificent and it is so happy looking. You are such a gifted artist.
Hi Dorthe! It turned out beautiful! I love the effect of the handmade paper and all of the layers of different textures! I'm so glad you are having fun with this! :-)
Happy Easter, Sweet Lady!
I love your butterfly. I too am making butterflies for a babies mobile. Yes Diane is such a sweet creative artist. Thanks for dropping by my blog.
That little butterfly is so ready for spring! Well done Dorthe - it is beautiful - I LOVE the colors. You have found your niche for sure!
Thanks dear for posting about my give away on your blog - you are so sweet to me. We are 3 weeks and counting until time for the baby. But - you never know. This new grandma is getting pretty excited!
Your butterfly turned out beautiful. I was so excited when I saw you as a follower. Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog. Your blog is such an inspiration to me.
Your butterfly is absolutely wonderful! Well done!
Have a wonderful Easter weekend!
Liebe Dorthe, die Anleitung hast Du ganz toll umgesetzt! Dein Schmetterling ist wunderschön geworden und bringt Dir den Frühling ins Haus!
Viele, liebe Ostergrüße und hugs,
Shes lovely Dorthe! A flutterby butterfly just in time for spring! Have a Wonderful Easter!
Dein Schmetterling ist super schön geworden, Dorthe. Ganz toll! Habe Dianes Blog auch vor kurzem entdeckt. :-)
Dorhte, just love your shabby butterfly...she is lovely.
I have not seen your blog for while it seems...or have missed it one of the two...if so I am sorry I did.
I am taking a strole around blog land and I crossed the bridge and here you are. What a beautiful place. I want to be encluded in your drawing for this magnificent butterfly. I will post you on my side bar if I can. AND I'm sure I'll be back.
new friendship
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