Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My doll to Lovey-A wonderfull new shop--and a fantastic "party" invitation

As Lovey recieved my followers giveaway yesterday, I thought I would show her to you
I made her a little special regard from the Baltic sea, with the -L -on, so she knew where
she belongs now!

She traveled very proper dressed as you see, here, thanks for loving her Lovey.

My dear friend Lisa from Tarnished and Tattered, just opened a new shop,that you find,

clicking on this button ,on her blog.
You have to visit ,and enjoy Lisas wonderfull art, that she shares, and offers there.
You will find beautifull things, to buy, and cherish for the rest of your life, Lisa is
making the most gorgeus art.


And have you seen ,that Karen from My Desert Cottage
has invited us all to the most gorgeus party.This is the second annual blog party for all to share their creative place, may it be a corner on your table, or your studio.All you have to do, is share photoes of your spot in your world , where your creations are made.
Go and take a look for yourself, at Karen`s blog,
I`m surely participating in this wonderfull "meeting" hold in June.

Well it seems I`m suddenly posting much more, than I used to, and as summer are soon to come, I will not be able to continue doing than, as I hope and expect to be bussy in my shop,----
but for now, there is so many things I like to share.
I`m sending love and hugs, to all of you sweet friends,


Createology said...

Your new doll is just lovely. Very sweet. Happy creating...

Hearts Turned said...

Your doll is so beautiful, Dorthe! Your friend will love her!

Lululiz said...

Lovey is such a lucky girl to have won your beautiful doll. She is gorgeous, from head to foot!

Unknown said...

...she is beautiful!!! Such a dear dollie!! ~ happy she will be in her new home!
xo, Rosemary
(love your new blog look!!!)

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Dorthe,
Another lucky person gets to love one of your precious dolls!

I received my sweet package from you and when I opened it, I got so excited when I saw what was inside.
I love, love the little curly headed nymph. She is the sweetest little doll ever! And when I saw what she was holding in her hand and the little music note with my name and your message....I nearly cried! And, the collage with all the laces and pieces of art is breathtaking. I feel so special to be given such lovely things and I am so glad that you are my friend. You are the best ever. Thank you sweet, beautiful, Dorthe.

Be sure to check my blog today because I wanted to share my pretties with everyone.


Karen Valentine said...

Hi Dorthe!I’m so happy you will be joining the Where Bloggers Create party this year!!! I think it will be even bigger and better than last year! Thank you for helping me spread the word!!! I’ll be in touch!

My Desert Cottage
Valentine Design

Kris said...

Wonderful doll! Her face is so precious. Nice work!!

Sugar Lump Studios said...

you have so many delightful pieces of art on your blog - just charming! enjoyed my visit here today! :)

Lisa said...

Thank you sweet friend for plugging my little shop! I was so surprised when I stopped by to see it! So many of my blog friends on your post today. Your doll for Lovey is beautiful, I really like the driftwood & the L on it. She will surely think of you & the Baltic Sea each time she looks at her. I just sent her a little something too. And Karen's party, I'm so excited for it! I got my WWC & saw her layout today. I am so excited for her. And I always love to see what your up to. Lisa

Debby said...

I love your doll and Lovey is so lucky to have her. Great post.

Lovey said...

Big Big Big Hugs Dorthe! And I've joined the Party!!

Anne Lorys said...

I am just crazy about all your dolls! They have such personality and character, obviously created with love.

Have a wonderful Thursday!

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Good morning, dearest Dorthe! Your doll for Lovey is just beautiful and what a sweet idea to add a little greeting from the Baltic Sea! I also loved the beautiful collage and the so cute nymph you had sent to Sissie.
Have a wonderful day, Sweetie!
Lots of kys og knus,

Sandy said...

Oh wow Dorthe Deine Doll ist wieder ganz fantastisch.
Wunderschön. Ich kann nur staunen und schwärmen. said...

Whow...Im impressed. This amazing doll is so sweet and beautiful.
Lovey is really a lucky girl!!
Have a sunny day, Dorthe.

Vicki Boster said...

Dorthe - Lovey is so lovely! I am sure she will be happy in her new home!

I am excited about the Creative Spaces event - I am going to participate as well. Might have to do a little clean up in the Sacred Yarn Room first!

Here is hoping that your are VERY busy in your shop this summer. Be sure to show us all the beautiful things that you create!


Rebecca said...

Hi Dorthe
Oh I just love her! You are such a talent...
Thank you so much for your wonderful compliments on my new blogshop, you are a dear.
Many Blessings

Anonymous said...

I love your dolls.

Lynn said...

Your doll is just delightful, what a lucky girl Lovey is :)

Viola said...

Lovey ist einfach zu beneiden! Deine Puppe ist sooo traumhaft schön, Dorthe! :-)

The Rustic Victorian said...

Wonderful doll, very special indeed. I will have to go see Sissie's doll too.
Happy day!