Sunday, March 14, 2010

Two white and soft lavenderhearts

Two lovely lavenderhearts, made all in fabric, in the soft tones old materials are giving.
I love to use white in many tones, to make the end result live.


This one is all in fabric, too, I love the emage of this little girl.

And A fantastic giveaway
This is just a photo ,but imagine recieving all this , wouldn`t it be real wonderfull.
Take a look at Robin`s egg blues to read more of this beautifull giveaway, Linda is offering.

My little pot with Thyme, resting in my shop, for a bit of spring

Hope you are all having a lovely sunday,

Hugs and love ,Dorthe


Debby said...

What a pretty post, love everything, so darned yummy!!

Anonymous said...

Dorthe, Your heart is just beautiful! I love using whites and neutrals too.
I was so glad to see you visiting today. Thank you for your kind comments about my Victorian ladies.

Lisa said...

Oh Dorthe,
Those little pillows are too sweet. You know I'm crazy for any image transfer. And your pot of thyme has inspired me to do a whole herb garden like that. What a wonderful Easter gift that would be! Every time I visit you I leave with my head swimming! Lisa
PS Thank you dear friend for always supporting my arty endevors.

Silke Powers said...

Oh, my visit to dreamland - that's how it feels when I come to your blog. Those hearts are just beautiful! I love both the images you used and the different fabrics! Just gorgeous!!! Is Spring arriving in Bornholm?! Love, Silke

Rhonda said...

Gorgeous post and I am now following your blog. Too wonderful to miss. Those fabric pieces are absolutely beautiful.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Dorthe,
I love your little heart pillow witht the image, how sweet.
And your pot of herbs makes me want to plant some right now.

Wonderful post. You are so sweet.


Rustique Gal said...

Dorthe Dear, Those little pillows are so precious. I've just torn a lovely old white sheet, so maybe I'll try my hand at image transfers and make some little pillows like yours.
Thanks for your sweet comment on my Rustique Gallery blog. You are always an inspiration to me.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Hi Dorthe- your lavender hearts are SO lovely! So soft and beautifully done!

Sue said...

Beautiful hearts - I too love the softness of white on white....beautiful!


Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Deine Herzen sind beide wunderschön, zart und romantisch, liebe Dorthe! Ich hoffe, Du hattest ein schönes, gemütliches Wochenende :-).
Viele, liebe Grüße

Sandy said...

Oh wow Dorthe die Herzen sind ein Traum. Wunderschön genäht. Ich bin begeistert.

Anonymous said...

Så fina hjärtan du gjort. De är härliga. Vet du hjärtan är lite av min "passion" och glädje. Jag "vann" också yvonne (Yittes) hjärta. Lyckliga mig.
Skall ta och skapa lite hjärtan till det var ett tag sedan. Tack för din inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Dorthe, these are so pretty! Very well done!

Lululiz said...

Ah, Dorthe, they are just exquisite. I love the second one especially, because of the very beautiful young lady.

Hearts Turned said...

Dorthe--you're always so sweet to me when you visit--thank-you! It means a lot to me.

I love lavender and I love your beautiful hearts--a perfect combination! You are a wonderful artist, my friend!

I hope you're having a lovely day--see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Dorthe, about working so far ahead with my fabric collections....I sometimes don't remember today's date! ;-)


My Creative House said...

So sweet and beautiful dear Dorthe, åh jeg er så optaget af at sy mine to mini quilts at jeg slet ikke har haft tid til at følge med, dine lavendel hjerter er bare blevet så flotte, og dine bamser hvor er de skønne, jeg elsker bamser og har nogle få håndlavede, du må ha en rigtig god dag, vi tales ved.
Knus Anni

Anne Lorys said...

Your hearts are just amazingly lovely! You are so talented!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

marie said...

Your hearts are so pretty ~ I make lavender filled hearts too ~ but never thought to add a pretty image to them. What a lovely idea. I also love all your sweet little pots.

I saw your comment on Diane Knott's blog and thought I would visit. I'm glad I did!

Have a lovely day!

Viola said...

Deine Herzen sind einfach traumhaft, liebe Dorthe! Hihi, ja, mich gibt es noch. Schreibe Dir gleich eine Email! :o)