Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A little Easter pot, and a beautifull swap

I did two little easter pots more, with my "pot maker", in this one, I added a little stone egg,
that I painted first ,to look like a real one.
Here you see it in its little nest

And here the second one with a bought egg,in its nest made of
Islandisch moss.
The verse in danish, is about how everything starts to bulp....


Last year, when participating in Mixed Media Monday, I was welcomed by Anni, another danish woman,( see her blog, here:) Fabric Art
we have become friends , sharing thoughts, and ideas, and she is a wonderfull artist.
Not long ago we desided to swap ATC`c, and this is what I recieved from Anni.
First her beautifull card made with fabric paper,it is so lovely ,and soft to touch.

And here the ATC,
in soft whites, -paper and fabric, decorated with pearls.
Even more beautifull ,than in the photo.
Thanks so much Anni.
Anni even gifted me with som laces ,and an old white
embroidered piece.( not shown)

Tomorrow, dear friends .I`m off to Copenhagen to
meet my little family over there.
My granddaughter, is then to return with me, to my island ,satturday, and stay for the week.
So dear all, there will not be much time to visit you, with this 3 years old little lady visiting.
I will miss you, but will also be back in one week, ----and maybe a sneak-peak in between.
Hugs and love ,from Dorthe


Sandy said...

Wunderwunderschön liebe Dorthe. Mir fehlen die Worte. Einzigarig.

Debby said...

Love your easter basket and the swap is lovely. Have a great time with your sweet Granddaughter, how fun.

Lululiz said...

What lovely Easter decorations. I love the little details, like the old fabric covered button dangling, thats so sweet!

Have a wonderful week away and enjoy being with your family. Safe journey!

Vicki Boster said...

Dorthe - your little nest collage is just beautiful! I love it! Have a wonderful visit with your little grand daughter - I can only imagine how she will keep you hoping and busy! (Thank you for your precious comments about my little knitted baby things - you made me smile!)

Julie Pishny said...

Lovely Easter baskets, the rock that you painted to look like an egg is perfect! I just love it. Is it a pebble you found at the beach by your home? I can just imagine you picking it up along the shore.

I also love the Islandicsh moss - it is so beautiful. I wish we could purchase it here...I'll have to see if I can track down a source.

Have fun in Copenhagen! xo Julie

Rika said...

Lovely easter decorations!

Vicki Boster said...

Dorthe - Your little nest collage is just beautiful - I love it! Have a wonderful time with your sweet litle grand daughter. I can only imagine how she will keep you busy! Have fun!


Lisa said...

sweet Dorthe...i love those little Easter pots..so adorable! I love using pebbles as eggs too! I am so loving your cream palette too.
Have a wonderful trip and enjoy yourself and your little grandaughter...(you're still too young to have a little 3 y.o granddaughter)

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Das Nest ist wunderschön, liebe Dorthe und Anni's ATC ist auch toll! Viel Spaß in Kopenhagen und dann zu Hause mit Deiner Enkelin! Hoffentlich habt Ihr schönes Wetter!
Viele, liebe Grüße

My Creative House said...

Thanks Dear Dorthe for your sweet words, kan du have en hyggelig tur og nyd at have dit lille barnebarn med hjem, vi tales ved.
Knus Anni

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love those pots!!!!!!! I need to go take some cans out of my recycling bin!

Viola said...

Das ist ja wohl sowas von schön! Ganz entzückend, liebe Dorthe! Und auch wunderschöne Post hast Du von Anni bekommen!!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

what lovely things you show us in your blog!