Monday, March 1, 2010

My first doll, fromCloth and clay Dolls

Two weeks ago I became a member of Cloth and Clay Dolls- a workshop on how to
make a doll using the material paperclay.

And here is my first attempt. The workshop is about making a doll ,as they were in the late 1800. Moddeled in clay over cloth, and body done in fabrick.
I dressed my first doll in white,-she only wear her bloomers, and a little jacket over the

She just recieved her wonderfull summertime-hat, so had to try it in on, even without skirt!!!

She wears a photo of herself as child, around her nech

I think she is very satisfied with herself.
Wishing you a wonderfull monday evening, and sending you lots of


My Creative House said...

Oh wow Dorthe she is fantastic, love her dress and her beautiful hat. Hvor er du bare hurtig Og hun er super dejlig, jeg når ikke så meget da jeg er hjemmefra hver dag, og er meget træt når jeg kommer hjem, ja tvillingerne er vokset og bare så dejlige, har du kortet hendes ben ? syntes mine er meget lange.
Knus Anni

Shashi Nayagam said...

Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog. I think this lady turned out beautifully. I especially love her hat.The lace is gorgeous.
I wanted to start mine too but I don't have any time at the moment. It will have to wait.

Sandy said...

Dorthe mir fehlen die Worte.
Was für eine wunderschöne Doll.
Eine Wahnsinnsarbeit.

Retro Cafe' Art Gallery said...

WOW, I would say a VERY LOVELY "first try"! You are a natural. I can't wait to see your second!

Yitte said...

She is beautiful. Love her heat and the lace on it. Wonderful art work!!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Dorthe,

I love your new beautiful doll, she is lovely with her pretty hat.
She does look very happy with how she has turned out.

Have a happy week

ps. Many thanks for visiting me.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

I love her Dorthe! She reminds me of someone, maybe one of my many Aunts. She is a cutie.
I love her little necklace and her hat is just so sweet.
You certainly did an amazing job of creating her, you really are a wonderful artist.
I'm so glad you are my friend.

I love coming here to visit.


The Feathered Nest said...

She is so beautiful Dorthe! You are amazing ~ and I always love seeing your creations, no matter what they are. LOVELY!!!! hugs and love sweet friend, Dawn

Anonymous said...

Dorthe, the faces on your dolls are beautiful, especially their eyes. And the image you posted is also. Thank you for inviting me over to see it. I did save it! :-)


Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Dorthe, your doll turned out beautifully! Looks like a lot of love went into her!

Carol Anne's Boutique said...

Hi Dorthe, Oh my goodness...your doll is absolutely magnificent!!!! She has such beautiful eyes and the sweetest face!! You have dressed her so beautifully also with all of the vintage lace and a necklace too!! She is truly gorgeous Dorthe, you are so very talented!!!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, your lovely comment meant so very much to me!
Hugs, Carol Anne :)

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Oh Dorthe, die Puppe ist fantastisch!!! Ich finde ihr Gesicht ganz toll und auch die Kleidung ist sehr schön! Sie ist wie gemacht für den Stuhl!
Viele, liebe Grüße

Anonymous said...

Hi Dorthe, she is an amazing doll. Truly beautiful and yes she does look satisfied :)
Hugs June xxxxx

Sanja said...

sieht wirklich klasse aus,deine erste puppe in diese technik.mehr davon,liebe Dorthe :-)
Sanja xox

Lisa said...

I really love the new direction that your dolls are taking. You almost have me ready to attempt an angel, not yet but close. Now the sculpture, no way. Looks very hard. You are such a talented & unique artist. I never tire of looking at your creations. Lisa
PS I got the most amazing letter from Joanna last night. It made me cry. I know what you mean about her.

Anonymous said...

Dockan är otroligt fin, vad roligt för dig, jag skulle också vilja göra sådana dockor någon gång. Vem vet.....
Vad heter hon??

Anonymous said...

Dorthe- you'd never know this was your first one! It looks like a alot of fun! enjoy.

Viola said...

Super, Dorthe! Die ist aber toll! Du warst aber ganz schön fleißig! :o)

JoAnnA Pierotti said...

Dorthe, I really love how you painted her face. You did a great job. I made one of Jane's dolls months and months ago but never finished making her a dress. You gave your doll a darling outfit.