Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My first piece of fabric paper

Hi all,--------- having 5 minutes here, and 5 minutes there, I tryed to do my first fabric paper,
I`m not sattisfied, because my paper napkin was too heavy I think, so I remouved a bit from the face (it is only the upper part of the collage ,that is fabric paper), but I love the texture this tecnic gives,--I have white threads under the napkin,as well as old book bits, don`t know if it shows on the photo....

The rest is made from old remnants of lace, paper, driftwood, rust and a stamp.
I will certainly work more with this, trying to be better.
Hope you all are doing great, and wishes you a wonderfull wednesday.
Hugs and love, Dorthe


Unknown said...

...Dorthe ~ this is lovely! Such pretty elements that have been artistically placed! xo, Rosemary

Heavens2Betsy said...

This looks great Dorthe! I have just bought my first piece of muslin to try this technique with. I'm very excited to see what happens...

Sandy said...

Wow Dorthe es ist ein Traum.
Wunderschönes Fabric piece. Love it.

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Hallo, liebe Dorthe, ich hoffe Du hast viel Spaß mit Mathilde! Deine Collage ist super schön! Das fabric paper hat wirklich eine tolle texture bekommen. Ich bin schon gespannt auf Deine Osterkreationen. Wie lange ist Mathilde denn noch bei Dir?
Viele, liebe Grüße und einen schönen Abend

Debby said...

Hi Dorthe, I love your new creation, absolutely gorgeous.

Diane said...

Oooh, I really love this!!

The Feathered Nest said...

I think it's just BEAUTIFUL sweet Dorthe!!!! I love all of the textures and images...and LOVE your new background, is just gorgeous!!! Karen is super talented isn't she?? Wishing you a lovely rest of the week dear friend, hugs and love, Dawn

Anonymous said...

I think it looks great! As I keep working on fabric collages, I find my style is evolving. I like trying ne wthings.

My Creative House said...

Dorthe your fabric paper looks fantastic, fin ide med at lade ansigtet komme frem på den måde, tillykke med din "nye" blog, hvor er den blevet flot, kan godt lide farven, og at der ikke er en masse forvirrende billeder ude i siderne.
Kan du have en god weekend, vi tales ved.
Kærlig hilsen Anni

Viola said...

Hast Du wunderschön gemacht, liebe Dorthe! Gefällt mir sehr gut! Ein wunderschönes Wochenende wünsche ich Dir! Liebe Grüße!

Lovey said...

Dorthe...I think it came out quite lovely!