Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day two presents from wonderfull friends

Well here we go again!!
Yesterday when saying my first gift was from Julia, I was forgetting,that my
realy first present came almost a week before my birthday,because Tina , Tiny Bear, my dear and lovely friend here from DK,was going on holliday to Italy,and therefore send me this wonderfull gifts before leaving.
This book, is a special and fantastic book, about assembling all kind of different objects.

And together with the book, Tina gifted me with this darling old little doll,she is so special
and beautifully resting on a lavender pillow ,she made herself.
Dear Tina, thanks so very much for everything,-I have already spend lots of great time,with the book,
and will save the sweet doll for something special.

Another very dear friend of mine, is Anni ,Fabric Art
We have become close via blogging,and telephone,and have many happy houers ,talking together every week.--When opening the big envelope from Anni, I found this other wonderfull homemade envelope-

and inside this the most beautifull, and lovely collage.Anni knows I`m a bit taken with Marie Antoinette
and therefore gifted me with this wonderfull piece.So sweet of her.

She also made me a wonderfull paperfabric card, showing both an angel,and
a teacup, -angels you know I love,-and drinking tea, very much ,too.
Thanks ever so much dear Anni, I love your gifts very much

Last one for today, came from Jytte, of whom you have hear many times.
Jytte is a special ,dear friend, and the ones you know,is alwayes sending me the most
wonderfull gifts of all kind of  stuff, people like all of us here, lóve.
For my birthday, she had bought me two very beautifull things, this
mirror dressed in a gorgeus frame.
And this special,and beautifull cup,and plate.
It is ceramic,made of a danish woman,using a tecnic with scraps under the glaze.

Isn`t it wonderfull,and so pretty in the form,too

I love it very much ,and had for long time wished me a cup,from this
artist.- Thankyou dearest Jytte, it is a great present,that I will love to
have tea in for years.

Are you tired of looking at gifts for me?????
You have to deal with yet another,and last day ,because I have just a few more things,
from lovely friends,to show you tomorrow.

Before stopping for today, You should all know, that
my sweet friend, Dawn , The Feathered Nest
is having a lovely giveaway for her 1400 blogpost--wow, that is a lot,
and all of them wonderfull to read, and look at.Thanks for so many lovely visits in your place, dear Dawn.


Click the button to go to Dawn`s blog, and read more.

Wishing you all, near and far away, happy houers,till we meet again.
Love and hugs, Dorthe


marie said...

Dorthe, I looked through your two posts full of goodies ~ you certainly got some wonderful treasures!
Such beautiful bits & pieces to create with and some lovely things to display and enjoy!
It's quite obvious that you are very loved by your friends in the land of blog!

Diane said...

These are wonderful, Dorthe for a special lady and that's why I gave you an award--go over to my blog and see :)

The Feathered Nest said...

Dear Dorthe, what beautiful gifts you've received!!!! I know you must love them all so ~ and the book is wonderful too! Thank you so much for mentioning my giveaway sweet friend, you are such and angel ~ have a wonderful rest of the week, hugs and love, Dawn

Lululiz said...

You are so loved by your friends! The gifts are beautiful and I know that they will all have very special places in your home and your heart.

My Creative House said...

Dorthe you know you are a very dear and special friend to me, love our phone conversations, it's just so nice to talk with you, hvor er det hyggeligt at se de dejlige gaver du har fået kære ven, din kommentat fra i går kom frem i dag, underligt ikke, slap nu lidt af så du ikke bliver stresset, og hyg dig med dine nye bøger.
Kærlig hilsen og knus Anni

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Hi Sweetie, It's great to have you back! I missed you! You've been spoiled by Tina, Anni and Jytte with wonderful gifts and you certainly deserve it! Enjoy all the lovely treasures!
Lots of hugs and kys,

Anonymous said...

what wonderful gifts you have received, you lucky lady! they are gorgeous. happy birthday!!

Sue said...

Truly gifts from the heart! The very best kind! They are all beautiful, you are blessed with wonderful friends.



Anonymous said...

Really awesome friends you have Dorthe! Enjoy your gifts. hugs-

Vicki Boster said...

Such beautiful collages as gifts for you! And the vintage china - oh my gosh - that makes my heart skip a beat. You are so blessed.
