Now what do you think ????
Here am I in the middle of all, this is my working space, and
where I love to create-(a customer took this photo)

It is not a beautifull room,but a room full of inspiration, and all kind of materials,all over,just waiting to be
used, for all kind of creations.
My husbond made me this table ,in two highs, for sitting sewing,-and standing
cutting, or working with collages, or whatever I wants to!
Underneeth shelfs to hold all kind of stuff.
This is the same table, on the other side of the sewingmaschine.
Beautifull old spools of thread-
A little cabinet holding my stamps and inks.
Old silverbowl filled with old kyes
Shelfs full of beautifull things
Wonderfull olf books
Old and new fabricks
My mother as young woman,
A wall with collections of all kind
Old firebucket with all things rusted
A wiev from my room ,to the shop, --see the figure hanging from the cieling!!
It is one of my very dear friend Matthias Masswig`s fantastic
mixed media sculptures.
And this is my view to the East-sea from my sewing table.
I hope you enjoyed this little tour, from my very full, and crowded creating space,-as I said,
not beautifull to view, but wonderfull to work in.
Sending you all, love and hugs,
Oh, Dorthe, what an amazing space - and so different from mine!!! Look at all those supplies you have!! No wonderful you create such magical things... Love, Silke
Oh my heavens!!!Wow Dorthe! To be immersed in such a place as this would be so very cool! I wouldn't know where to play first! I love the picture of you surrounded by all the treasures and fabrics! WOW! This is an awesome place!
Oh, Dorthe, I'd love to get lost in your studio! I think I could spend hours just looking at all your goodies! The icing on the cake is that fantastic view ~ how could you not have creative thoughts with that to look at every day. Thank you for sharing this lovely space.
Oh how I would love to wander through your amazing space. First, that view is incredible and then all the wonderful goodies the bucket full of keys.
It was so much fun to see where you create all of your wonderful pieces.
OH Dorthe~ I think it IS beautiful! Just surrounds you with wonderful goodies and inspiration! I would love to create there!
Looks a lot like heaven to me Dorthe - and what a view. Thank you for showing your space to us.
Dorthe, Your studio is fabulous. I think it's wonderful that you surround yourself with all that inspiration. What a nice peek into your world, my favorite would be the sea view out the window, just an incredible life!
OK, you have got to be the QUEEN of Creativity! Truly amazing! No wonder all your works of art are masterpieces! Marcia in California
Hi Dorthe,
I have been so excited about getting to see your creative space and I am so impressed at the vastness and the wonderful things that surround you. You look so cute sitting there among all your lovely inspirational pieces.
You have so many materials with which to work, it's no wonder you create the most beautiful and inspiring artwork!
Thank you so much for letting us see a part of you. It's kinda like giving us a little piece of your heart!
What a fantastic place, every where you look there is inspiration. You have such a variety of materials to choose from. That bucket of keys...oh my! Where did you ever find so many? Love the picture of your Mother. The veiw out the window is heavenly. I want to come and play one day.
I have been waiting for too long to see this studio. I have blown up EVERY picture more than once. Of all the studio's I've seen, yours is the one I want to ransack the most! I can't believe all of the shelves piled up to the ceiling with amazing goodies. I see gobs of fabric just waiting for me! LOL I am also loving the fact that you have some sort of animal hanging from a hook. See me post & you'll understand why. I have all sorts of wierd stuff too. I saw the little bag I made for your ballet slippers too. Made me smile. You look right at home sweetie. I hope one day to see it for real. You'll have to check my purse before I leave tho. Lisa
Dearest Dorthe -
This space is so much fun to see! Your treasures - all the things that you use to make your beautiful creations - they are all so wonderful! How lucky that youare to have a nice big room to keep all of your things together in! If this were mine - I would be in heaven! You look beautiful sitting in your studio! How I would love to walk around your special place and just be noisey! That picture of your Mother is absolutely beautiful!
Wow Dorthe........I want to come over right now and start to create. I love your space, your amazing. thanks for sharing. Susan
Oh you must stay very busy!. Love the body on the ceiling and your view. I would kill for that kind of view, and then I would get nothing done!
Dorthe dear I'm speechless, this is a wild and wonderful and also magical place, I can not believe that one person can have so many things, ikke i min vildeste fantasi havde jeg forestillet mig dette, dejligt at se det Dortheog at se dig midt i det hele, kan du have en rigtig god dag.
Kærlig hilsen og knus Anni
Dorthe your space is wonderful!! I LOVE all the inspiration you're surrounded with. The spools of thread are great and I love the silver bowl full of keys and the stack of books. And ALL that amazing fabric! Yummy!!
My favorite photo is the first one. You ~ surrounded by what you love!!
O.k., I'll take the next ferry to come over to play with you in your fantastic studio, sweetie! First I have to get some more suitcases, though. Oh, maybe I shouldn't have told you that. Now you know that I plan to rob you ;-). I'm sure I could spend hours to rummage through all those wonderful fabrics and other treasures. It's like paradise and the view from your studio is just gorgeous!
I loved seeing your creative space, dearest Dorthe! It's wonderful to know now where you give life to your gorgeous dolls, angels, fairies and other beautiful creations.
Have a wonderful weekend and happy creating!
Lots of hugs, love and kys,
Hi Dorthe,
loved to see your creating space and all your treasures.Great working table with the shelves underneath.Oh, and the view is just
gorgeous.Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for sharing.
many hugs,
OMG Dorthe this is your creative place ???
So wonderful. He gives many many inspiration. So many many differnet materials. OMG OMG OMG.
You have a great place my dear friend.
Dorthe, I love your place! As much as I admire the huge, incredibly tidy and full of storage boxes/cupboards/drawers studios of our American friends, yours is the place that is so totally me. Overflowing with beautiful things absolutely everywhere. Such a beautiful view as well, that must be so inspiring.
Now we see how only gorgeous things can come out of here! You are overflowing with beauty Dorthe...and the view is incredible!! Thanks for the peek!!
I LOVE it!!! I see sooo many treasures to play with! May I come over too and play? OMGoodness, what a beautiful too! Ann
Think of all the beauty around you each day? That is an amazing room! Gorgeous treasures! Blessings.
What I wouldn't GIVE to have that much room. Fabulous my friend. Love it! We are hoping to build on next year...and if I out!
Love to you~
Oh Dorthe, what a wonderful art retreat you have--just filled with inspiration and that view--you have everything you need!!
What a fabulous space!
Queen Bee Studio
Dorthe, your room is beautiful - what a place to get lost in creativity! I love the functionality of it - as you say, not to be pretty, but to inspire and to be happy in. I love it and could spend hours and hours just looking at it, wandering and seeing it from all points of view. And your view of the sea - now there's even more inspiration! Thank you for sharing your space - it's something very, very special!
Now that looks like my workspace! No, yours is neater.
Wonderful studio, Dorthe! I think all the fabulous 'stuff' you have around would inspire you so much!!
A beautiful place, indeed!
Oh Dorthe what a wonderful workroom you have and all that fabric is to die for!!! I love it and I'm so glad I got see where you work and now I can picture you there!
I want to come play in your studio! It's absolutely marvelous! Thank you for the tour. Enjoy your day! Twyla
Wow, love the bucket of old keys! It is a little piece of heaven in there. So, enjoyed my visit with you. Enjoy the rest of the party.
Hello my lovely friend Dorthe, thank you so much for sharing these beautiful pictures. what a beautiful studio you have its lovely and i would love to have something so lovely to work in, You are very lucky and what a pretty sea view too.
Hugs June xxxx
OMG You look so cute sitting there amongst all your goodies! What a wonderful place! I would love to look through all those shelves... You are so talented and so fortunate to have a wonderful studio with a view of the sea!!!
I have so enjoyed looking at your fabulous little piece of heaven.
Oh,Dorthe! God bless you, sweet girlfriend! THIS is a workspace! No doubt about it! Oh my! You have everything you need and more! Oh how I wish I could spend some time with you! All you have to do is turn around and you have the most wonderful things to use in your art!
This is truly a wonderful WORK space! It's not for show only. It's for REAL ART!
Love ya!
Dorothe I want to stand in the middle of your room and just breathe deeply - inhaling the very heady scent of all that fabric! Wow!!!
You have a fabulous work area and a beautiful view from your window. What inspiration!
Dorthe, your room is so gorgeous!!! I love looking at everything....a figure up on the beam, ha ha I love it!!!!! So many things to see, what an inspiring room!!!
Margaret B
Wow Dorthe, your space looks like fabric HEAVEN! Love it! :-)
Ooh Dorthe, what a fantastic and wonderful place, I want to cam over to play!
thanks for sharing!
Dear Dorthe, What wonderful collections you are surrounded in. Now I can see you making your driftwood dolls and collages with all the fantastic stuff you are surrounded with. Also, that view would inspire me too! Enjoy,
Such a fantastic space, inspiration everywhere you look. Such amazing goodies and you do beautiful things with them.
What fabulous stuff! I'd love to work in that room! And the view??? Oh my goodness.
OmG! Dorthe, what a georgeous studio you have. It`s very great and i love it.
Thanks you so much for the pictures!
Viele liebe Grüße
You are my kind of girl. I did my workspace just as it is also. No cleaning or rearranging. xo Joan@anythinggoeshere
Oh my Dorthe! What an amazing place you have!!! How on earth do you ever find the fabric you are looking for???
It's filled with so many wonderful things! Thank you, thank you for joining my party! I loved the tour!
My Desert Cottagea
ps... the view outside... amazing
Dorthe Dorthe Dorthe! . . . your space is just FAB-U-LOUS!! Thank you for sharing this glorious room and all of the wonderful things you have. I am just blown away!!
PS The workshop was fun yesterday and all of the ladies had a great time. Those cookies? Oh yeah, I think I ate about FIVE of them. Yep, I sure did *hee hee*
Wow Dorthe!
Your creative space is OVER THE TOP! It's a creative heaven and that's where I would want to spend eternity! LOL!
You look so cute centered between all the's no wonder that you are so inspired to create such beautiful things :)
Thank you for the wonderful tour!
Oh my goodness Dorthe! Your studio is FULL of treasures! I could get lost in there for days looking at all the wonderful things you create with. It's beautiful. Thanks for leaving a sweet comment on my studio post.
Oh what an inspiring place to work!
Look at aaaallll those goodies. Love it!
And what a beautiful view out your window.
I always appreciate seeing you have come by for a visit. Thank you!
barbara jean
What an amazing space you have created! You have inspired me to add to my own crafting area.
I adore all of your storage solutions.
No wonder so many beautiful things are created here! It is a wonderful place of inspiration Dorthe. I would love to touch and feel all the beautiful laces and fabrics. I love texture. And have you ever got texture.
I could crawl into your space and never come out. I love all your vintage touches, the fire bucket and old books. Looks like alot of creating goes on here. Thank you for the tour!
LOVELY space full of treasures waiting to be created!!!
What a fantastic space full of goodies! You must love creating here. I see so many wonderful things and the view is extraordinary!
Terrific work space! Thanks for sharing--Jacqueline
Dorthe, I adore your creative space. So many wonderful creations come from your studio, and now I can see why. So many gorgeous fabrics and treasures to work with. I too work best in and amongst my tools and supplies! Thank you for your kind visit and comments at my studio tour! ~ Angela
Dear Dorthe, I love your Studio. Would love to spend hours in your space, so many wonderful treasures you have and a view to die for. Thanks for entering my giveaway. Many Blessings to you, Carol Mae
Your studio is a huge treasure chest. I love that you can see all your supplies- no wonder you are able to make such beautiful art- you have so much inspiration surrounding you!
Oh Dorthe, your studio is absolutely wonderful!! You look so sweet in the picture with all of your fabulous treasures around you! How I would love to have a studio like yours, every nook and cranny with the most beautiful and inspiring things to see and touch. It's no wonder you are so inspired and it shows in the gorgeous art that you always create! Oh my goodness and the view out your window, just breathtaking! So happy to see your very special studio!
Love & Hugs, Carol Anne xo
I love all those vintage treasures and I especially like the picture of you seated right in the middle of the treasure chest of possibilities. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing.
Hallo liebe Dorthe,
danke für Deinen lieben Kommentar.
Meine Constance Spry ist in der Tag sehr sehr hoch. Ich habe sie am Zaun entlang gebunden. Gekauft habe ich sie vor ca. 5 Jahren für ganze 2,00 EUR, weil sie nur einen Trieb hatte. Also aus Mitleid. Ich freue mich auch jeden Tag, dass sie jetzt so prachtvoll geworden ist.
Viele liebe Grüße
What a beautiful studio, Dorthe! Exactly what I would imagine for you! Filled with every lovely thing to fuel your creativity...thanks for sharing it with us, my friend!
Dorthe, You have such an amazing space. It's no wonder you create such beautiful dolls and things as you have such an abundance of supplies right at hand. And a wonderful view of the sea! How nice!
Dear sweet Dorthe.....I absolutely LOVE your studio!!!!! Can I come visit????? And dig and dig???? So many treasures are everywhere ~ and I love that you can see them, you know what you have ~ being able to see your gorgeous supplies is truly inspiring! Thank you so very much for sharing your studio with us and it looks like a wonderland to me ~ sending you hugs and love,
Dawn Dorthe!!! That is a collection of a lifetime!! I just know fantastic things are hidden away in your studio :)
xo, Rosemary
wow! never-ending inspiration in your space!
And the winner goes to...Dorthe have the most creative supplies I have seen so far. Wow!
What a wonderful collection of fabrics, trims and inspiration! Thanks for sharing you little corner of the world!
You make beautiful creations with that wonderful collection of look so comfortable amidst it it!!!!
Oh my goodness! You have soo much stuff Dorthe! I've never seen so much! Love the picture of you in the midst of it all. And that view is incredible...absolutely incredible!
Oh my goodness, looks like mine used to look when I lived in the last home we had! It is fabulous...I'm a fabric collector so this makes my heart sing. Just lovely anyway you look at it.
I finally live in a big house and have lots of room to separate some of my fabric...although one huge studio would have been perfect!
Thanks so much for sharing yours with me.
I'd love to have you come take a stroll through my's been a labor of love to get it all in place..what a journey this past year has been!
Have a wonderful day,
Stephanie ♥
Wow, what an amazing studio you have... such treasures! I could spend hours just looking at all your stuff! I would love to create there! I'm a little jealous, my work space is limited, a small table and two shelves :-(
And the view out your window to the East-sea is truly breathtaking!
You are a lucky gal!
Dear Dorthe,
I've never commented before, but just had to tell you how thrilled I am to see your wonderful studio. I am so in awe of your beautiful's great to see where it all starts! Your studio is soooo full of inspiration. Thanks for sharing.
Sandra Blanks
This is an awesome studio. I especially love how you keep your keys and all that fabric that you store. This is a lovely and inspirational space. And the view is great, too.
Hi Dorthe, oh my gosh it has taken me this long to reach the "D's" in the blog party and I have so wanted to hit a couple of my fav gals blogs out of order but I was a good girl and staying in gosh, I am over~whelmed with the beauty of your space, it is almost magical to see so many beautiful treasures and you looking so darned sweet amongst them. I must say if I ever need a key I know you to get ahold of one...hehehe..I also love the view from your window, absolutely gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing.
Dorthe! Thanks for giving us a peek into your work space! It is fabulous! I thought I had a lot of stuff. You've got me beat, big time!
Thanks for sharing!!
So amazing! Love the creative chaos!
Organized chaos! It's wonderful. Thank you so much for the tour. Connie
Oh Dorothy, I will have to disagree with you when you said your space is not beautiful. Oh yes it is! Any room filled to the rafters with such gorgeous fabric and a view to the water is about as beautiful as it can get!!! Xo, Sue
Thank you for the lovely tour of your studio. How lovely it is and such a beautiful view. thanks for sharing and have a great day. Angela
Boah, Dorthe, das ist ja der Hammer! Ich bin total begeistert! So toll! Ich liebe Dein Studio! So viele Kostbarkeiten. Beneidenswert! Und schön, Dich mal live dabei zu sehen!! :o)))
A simply lovely space - and a sewer's paradise - you have SO MUCH FABRIC!! I love the view from your sewing table - i could get lost in that view!
I want so much to come and play in your studio. I love fabric and you have such lovely looking treasures. Thank you for inviting us to visit.
I wish I could visit your studio in person. We could 'play' all day.
Yes, I am still visiting the participants in the 'where bloggers create' event...and having a great time. Thank you for sharing your creative space with us. Have a wonderful weekend. ~Natalie
Hi Dorthe:
So much space and supplies for all your creativity to blossom! Thanks for sharing. I love seeing where my friends spend their days (and nights).
Hugs from Florida,
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