Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Little collage , and two great giveawayes

My newest little collage ,made with remnants from my bundle left
outside in the weather for 4 months.

This tag, I may have showed you before???
but I love the birdimages here, with the dark brown tones.

My dear friend Dawn, are having a beautifull giveaway,---- look at this necklace---just like that---all you have to do is to make a comment on the post,--take a look at her alwayes beautifull blog.

And another dear friend Anne, are having this great giveaway, celebrating the new Rachel Ashwell
book. Go check out Anne`s  wonderfull blog to read,how you can get a chance to winn this
gorgeus book

Hi for now, sun is shining again after storm yesterday
Have a great day all,
hugs and love Dorthe


Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said...

Your heart creations are to die for...they really are...so LOVE hearts in any form.
Most especially yours.

Hugs, Rose

Diane said...

Thank you for the links, Dorthe. And as always, your work is outstanding--I love that collage!

Lori said...

Dorthe, your collage is stunning!!! i wish i were more comfortable working with fabric, because i just love this type of collage...the colors on yours are so pretty!!!

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Hi Dorthe,
your collages are gorgeous.
Have a sunny and wonderful day.

Lisa said...

beautiful work Dorthe..i adore your collage!

Debby said...

Hi Dorthe, your collage is beautiful, always love seeing your work and thanks for the links.

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Your collage and the tag are both beautiful, sweetie! The pink and brown shades in the collage look so pretty together! It's wonderful that you could use some items from that rust bundle.
We had rain yesterday as well and today it's a mix of sun and gray skies.
Have a lovely afternoon and enjoy some time in your studio!
Big hugs, love and kys,

My Creative House said...

Your collage is so lovely Dorthe, nej hvor hyggeligt, var det ikke dukker du skulle lave og ikke en collage, nå lidt andet skal der vel også til. Nyd dagen og hyg dig med at være kreativ.
Knus Anni

Sandy said...

Oh Dorthe so wonderful work as always. Gorgeous designs and your work is amazing. Love them. Hugs.

Vicki Boster said...

Amazing! I am still in awe that you put things outside - left them for months - and then create something so beautiful from them! What an idea - I must do this!!! Such a lovely collage dear Dorthe!

Thanks for showing all the wonderful give aways - this issuch a help to us~~

I love the way the sky looks after a storm. The next day always seeems so bright~

Jane said...

Your art work is simply beautiful! The collages are stunning. Thanks for the links to the giveaways.

Lululiz said...

You are so creativ and so talented. Both the collage and the tag are just lovely. Exactly the kind of thing I love.

Mosaic Magpie said...

Dear Dorthe,
Thank you for telling us about the new Shabby Chic book. Your new collage is beautiful I love the lady you put in it. And that tag you know I LOVE IT! Anything with a bird on it!!!! Dawn's giveaway is special too. Don't you love that necklace. I have been cleaning up my work area trying to get ready for "Where Bloggers Create", are you doing it? I would love to see your workspace where you create all your lovely fairies!

Hearts Turned said...

Such a beautiful collage and tag, Dorthe! Love them both...hope you're having a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

Dorthe, both the tag and the collage from your left-outside-in-the-weather bundle are wonderful! I'm going to have to try the weather bundle someday! I think the only other way to get such a great,dirtied look is to maybe stomp on the fabric with garden clogs! LOL! I think my husband would really wonder if I've gone batty if I did that! So far he's seen me rip things and dye them with coffee only!

I hope you are having a very nice day.

sharon said...

Hi Dorthe! Thank you for all the lovely comments on my blog...you are a sweetheart!! AND, so talented! Your collages ar e just gorgeous...I mean....BEAUTIFUL....i loooove them, wow. Your dolls also, gorgeous. I need to come back and spend some time looking at everything on your blog...so much to see!!
Thank you too for the giveaway info!!
Hugs to you!

Viola said...

Deine Arbeiten sind wieder ganz zauberhaft, liebe Dorthe! Kann mich immer nur wiederholen, hihi! Ganz liebe Grüße, Viola! :-)

Anneke said...

your work is realy outstanding dorthe.
the collage is very beautiful and the tag aswell.
have a nice day and greetings from ann

Marlynn said...

Dorthe - your art work is beautiful and stunning, my dear! You have a charming and inspirational blog and I am so happy I found it! hugs,

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Dorthe~ what beautiful artwork! I just love the soft colors, just lovely!

Anonymous said...

Hir Dorothe- just stopping by before I head off to work. Love your newest creation!

My Vintage Studio said...

Hi Dorthe.

Your weathered art pieces are beautiful! Love the colors and textures.

Wishing you a wonderful day!


marie said...

The collage is beautiful, love the colors. The bird tag is wonderful ~ I think it must be one of very favorite tags!

Lisa said...

Hi sweetie,
I am so loving your whole erosion bundle project. The collage made with the leftovers is wonderful. Love the stitching around the woman's face. And the bird tag is beautiful. Did I ever send you the article in CPS on the Erosion Bundle? I need to if I didn't. I so want to do that next year. Hope your having a great week. Lisa

Rustique Gal said...

Dear Dorthe, I sure love your collage and that tag. Your work is very sweet and sentimental, just what I like. I'm off to check out these giveaways. Thank you for posting them. Have a wonderful day, dear!

The Feathered Nest said...

I always, ALWAYS love seeing your beautiful creations dear Dorthe!!! Thank you so much for mentioning my giveaway sweet friend, you truly are an angel ~ I hope you are doing wonderful!!! Sending you love and hugs, Dawn

Gaby Bee said...

Your artwork is simply wonderful. Both pieces, the collage and the tag are fantastic. Love your color choices!
Have a wonderful art filled weekend!

Yitte said...

Your collage and the tag are beautiful. Your erosion bundle had a wonderful colour. And the brown tag with the bird is so precious.

Anne Lorys said...

Your collage is stunning! So beautiful.

Thank you so much for mentioning my giveaway, I really do appreciate it!

Have a wonderful Saturday!

Oxana said...

Hi Dorthe!
Fantastisk flott collage og tag er nydelig også!
Klem fra Oxana

Retro Cafe' Art Gallery said...

You've been busy! I love the sweet little fabric collage! Thanks for stopping by!