Saturday, June 5, 2010

Summerdoll., and a gift from one of my dearest friends

I recieved the most beautifull gift from my very dear friend JoAnnA  .
Joanna recently came up with those most wonderfull hearts
that opens up, and has a schripture inside.
Their beauty is byon words, and the idea ,so wonderfull.
And my --this lovely lady gifted me with one of them....

Ofcourse everyone wants her beautifull hearts, and it is almost impossibly to
come in time to buy one,when she sets them on her Etsy shop.
For that I`m so happy, because JoAnnA realy needs all the money,she can earn, with her husbond  Ron ,in hospital, and not being able to work,now and for the last year, after being operarted for a brain tumor.

Words are not enough ,to describe their
fantastic beauty.

I so love this exeptional gift, I will treasure it for ever sweetie,
thank`s from my heart, Joanna.

A new little spring fairy saw the light of the day
yesterday.She is a flower fairy,-as you see-
almost 50 cm high

shé brings her watercan, and is dressed very summerlike, with a
beautifull flower,on her breast.

So happy week-end all, thanks for all sweet comments,
 and welcome, to all the new followers.It makes me very thankfull, to see new friends,following my blog.


Vicki Boster said...

Dorthe -
Your gift from JoAnna is very special indeed. This is a gift from the Heart in the form of a heart - how wonderful that it carries a special message of scripture. It is a treasure - for always.

YOur summer doll is unbelievably beautiful. Oh my gosh! I love her flowers and hair and that watering can is just precious. I love her! I can only imagine that she looks beautiful in your shop ~~~she won't be there long!


Sandy said...

Dorthe your doll is so beautiful.
I´ve missed the right words for this what my eyes see.

Have a sunny weekend my dear friend. Hugs.

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Good morning, sweet Dorthe! This is a gorgeous heart that JoAnna had sent you and what a cool idea that it can be openend. Enjoy this wonderful gift!
You made another adorable spring fairy! She is so beautiful and her dress is lovely. Her dotted legs are just toooooo cute.
Have a great and sunny weekend, my dear friend!
Lots of kys og knus,

Beth Leintz said...

Your flower fairy doll is so sweety and summery- I love the pink color in her hair.

Michelle Palmer said...

Your sweet fairy is beautiful! I can see why you love JoAnna's hearts... such a beautiful gift~
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!

Lisa said...

That Joanna is something special, you & her have a very beautiful friendship. I have been watching those hearts develop on her blog & loving them. I don't know how she creates such beauty everyday with so much sadness in her heart. I'm glad she has you sweetie.
Your fairy does look like she came from a garden, love the flower on her dress. Lovely! You have a wonderful weekend faraway friend. Lisa

Anonymous said...

Really lovely! Every time I head over to her shop, they're always snapped up!!

Hearts Turned said...

What a beautiful gift you received, Dorthe! Her hearts are gorgeous!

Love your sweet garden fairy--she is a beauty! Your work is always so wonderful!

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, my friend!


Debby said...

HI Dorthe, what a beautiful gift you have receive from JoAnna. Love her hearts and it is amazing that she create such beauty at this sad time in her life.

I also adore your summer doll, she is really special.
Debby said...

Love your wonderful flower fairy and what a beautiful gift from Joanna. Have a sunny weekend, Dorthe.

Mosaic Magpie said...

How nice that JoAnnA sent you this lovely gift. In the midst of all that is on her mind she thinks of giving to others. I believe these hearts have been a real blessing to her as well as those that are lucky enough to have one. As soon as they are listed on etsy they are gone! JoAnnA makes such beautiful creations as do you Dorthe. Your new Flower Fairy is truly special.

Viola said...

Ein tolles Geschenk hast Du wieder bekommen, Dorthe! Und Deine neue fairy ist auch wieder super, wie immer!! ;o)
Wünsche Dir ein wunderschönes, sonniges Wochenende und ganz viele liebe Grüße! :o)

Anonymous said...

Dorthe, thank you for telling me about Joanna....I haven't visited in awhile there and did not know this. All the more special your gift is from her in the midst of her troubles.

Your doll is precious! Her dress looks so sweet and fresh.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, dear lady.


Marlynn said...

Your newest fairy doll is wonderful - watering can and all. Thanks for stopping by the Honeysuckles! Have a great day. Hugs,

Becca said...

Beautiful work! Just found your blog. I love the heart your friend made for you too!

Garden Cats + Crafts said...

Ein ganz wundervolles Herz von JoAnna liebe Dorthe.
Aber Deine Blumenelfe ist einfach zu zauberhaft. I`m in love with her.
Viele liebe Grüße

HeARTworks said...

I was so happy to wander around your blog- you make such enchanting dolls!
Patsy from

Lululiz said...

Oh Dorthe, what a gorgeous fairy! She will surely bring huge gardening success to her new owner, as she will sprinkle good luck with her little can over everything planted.
JoAnnA is quite an incredible woman. Most people would have crumbled under the terrible blows she has to deal with and given up, yet this amazing woman keeps on creating the most fabulous art pieces, AND, is so generous and kind to gift her friends with these fantastic creations.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hello Sweet Dorthe!
Everyone adores you so much, so what better gift than a heart with a beautiful message inside.

And a lovely heart it is. So pretty and beautifully created.

I'm glad to be one of your followers and I'm glad that our paths have crossed.


Rhonda said...

We all should open our hearts! What a beautiful creation your friend made you. The creamy white color is my favorite.

I don't know about you but when I receive beautiful gifts like this, I have to keep it out on my work table in my studio to admire.

I'm heading over to her shop. Thank you sweet Dorthe for sharing this. Hugs, Rhonda

Yitte said...

Hi Dorthe, I understand that the heart you received from JoAnnA is very special for you. It's such a beautiful gift from her. Love your Fairy it makes me happy to look at her!!
Have a nice week

Anne Lorys said...

Dorthe, you deserve every beautiful gift that comes your give so much beauty to others, it's only fair that it returns to you!

Have a wonderful week!

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Hi Dorthe,
hope you had a wonderful weekend.
Your new spring fairy is just beautiful and the heart from Joanna is to die for - truly a special gift.Have a great day!

Anneke said...

such an awesome creation from your friend.
but your new spring fairy is also a very beautiful creation..
lovely fabric and design dorthe.
have a nice day my friend

My Creative House said...

Oh Dorthe what a gorgeous gift, and your doll, she is so beautiful, love her dress, min æske er helt igennem håndlavet, det har taget ca 10 timer at lave den, fik du lavet noget i går ?,her var det regnvejr hele dagen, vi snakkes ved.
Kærlig hilsen Anni

marie said...

Your flower fairy is absolutely delightful. Her dress is just amazing and I love her sweet expression.
Your work is always so beautiful Dorthe.

Joanne's heart are so nice ~ I will have to visit her Etsy shop and hope to find some there.

JoAnnA Pierotti said...

Dear Dorthe,
Your fairy doll is just so adorable. I love her beautiful colors. You are so sweet to share the heart I gifted you. You are so special to me. You give me your heart in friendship so very much. I will have to share the beautiful heart you made me and my very fun doll that always makes me smile and think of you.
love you,