Here at last the first finished --nisser-- they are all in wool, and olsfashioned -pixies-as we love them here in Denmark,-hope you likes them too.

The beautifull box, and globe, is made of my very dear friend Solvejg. She makes so very beautifull painted things.

One of my dolls waiting here for christmas to arrive.

This is a wooden oval wood tag, picturing Mary and Jesus,
I made it last year, but think it is so beautifull, that I did some more this year.

And this is also an oval wood tag,with a beautifull angel.

One of the tables in my shop ,showing different christmas items, my
lilac doll, and a Mary figur.

Another little table, also showing virgin Mary,
and the little house I created so it looks like old houses here on the island.

Last yet another doll of mine ,gold dresses,and sitting among
wonderfull christmas stuff.

Hope all of you dear friends, are having a lovely day.
Hello sweet friend!! I hope you are doing wonderful ~ your Christmas pixies are so very cute!!! I always love seeing your beautiful creations...I just LOVE the angels Dorthe ~ I just have to tell you how fast our little Clara is growing!!! She turned 8 months old this week and is scooting all around, rolling, moving across the room we just can't believe it!! I now know how much you can love a grandchild sweet Dorthe ~ hugs and love to you, Dawn
Wow Deine Werke sind mal wieder wunderschön. Ich bin ein großer Fan Deiner Puppen.
Hei igjen søte deg!
Tusen takk for hyggelig hilsen, så flott du likte det bildet av Maria med barnet! Du hvor jeg fikk julestmning her inne hos deg... koseligt og varmt! Så utrolig masse flott du lager!
Send meg adr. din på mail, så sender jeg det motivet som julehilsen til deg! Hyggelig tradisjon som jeg tar vare på, til tross for e-mail og slike moderne saker;))
Ha en fin aften videre Dorthe!
Klem fra meg i Sør-Norge!
dein laden sieht super aus,Dorthe. wünsche dir gute verkauf :-)
Liebe Grüße
Dorthe, I love your shop, and your white doll just captured my heart! She is beautiful!
Hei igjen Dorthe! Jeg vil takke for koselige, varme tilbakemeldinger min venn. Jeg jobber som en gal for å få ferdig en utstilling til weekenden... Kontakter deg så snart jeg er "oppe og går igjen".
Ellers må du ha en alldeles nydelig weekend i skønne Danmark!
Varm klem fra meg!
Liebe Dorthe, Deine Nisser sind sehr putzig!!! In Deinem Laden gibt es viele hübsche Sachen zu entdecken! Ich wünsche Dir sehr gute Geschäfte! Liebe Grüße und Hugs, Julia
The pixies are lovely! I love the box and globe too!
Wieder so viele wunderschöne Sachen, Dorthe! Es sieht wirklich toll aus!! :-)
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