This is a danish pixy, he is alwayes wearing red and grey, and alwayes dressed
with his red cap, and wooden shoes.

This one standing on his own ,and bringing a basket with red apples, is the
sweet one .We also know the teasing, and sauer ones, but they do not live here.
He is here app. 40 cm. high
waiting for 100 little -nisser- to put their feets in. the shoes here are only 4 cm. long, and the pixy that will use them, maybe 12 cm high. I will show you more pictures later.
I had a dear friend help me painting them, Thanks a lot Lena.

I`m off to make more NISSER in my cauch,looking at the TV in the same time.I hope you are having a lovely sunday all, ---
Thanks so much for sweet comments, and new followers, it means a lot to me.
XOXO Dorthe
I love the little pixie men - and the SHOES! SO cute! By the way, I found my beeswax pellets on either amazon or ebay.
Liebe Dorthe, Dein Kobold ist total süß!!! Wow, 100 kleine Kobolde willst Du auch noch machen - da bist Du ja gut beschäftigt in nächster Zeit. Viel Spaß damit :-)! Hugs, Julia
Oh wow was fü ein toller Santa.
Klasse. Gefällt mir sehr.
What a precious little pixie Dorthe!! I just love him ~ You have been very busy :) I hope you have a wonderful week sweet friend, hugs and love, Dawn
Oh he is so wonderful,kæreste Dorthe efter alle de træsko at dømme skal du lave mange mange nisser, jeg elsker nisser og glæder mig hvert år til at tage mine hjemmelavde frem 1 dec. Glem nu ikke at slappe lidt af så du ikke stresser fra nu og til juleaften. Du må ha en god kreativ uge.
Kærlig hilsen Anni
Oooch nööö, ist der süß, Dorthe! Klasse! Absolutely gorgeous!! Und die Schuhe erst, sowas von niedlich, hihi! Da hast Du aber viel Arbeit! Liebe Grüße und eine schöne Woche! :o)
so viele kleine schuhe hast du bemalt. du bist wirklich fleißige bienchen :-)
und dein kobold ist zucker süß liebe Dorthe.
wünsche dir was
oj vad många tomtar du ska göra!
Han är så fin din tomte,ska bli spännande att se dom andra.
Ha en riktigt bra vecka!
Kram Ingrid
he is adorable Dorthe. And wow, all those shoes!!! Will you make lots of these for your Christmas shop?
xo joanna
Dorthe - I had no idea just how busy you are - look at all of those little shoes - how wonderful - how time are amazing...xo Julie
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