Saturday, November 28, 2009

Few new pictures from my shop, showing new items

I made a golden fairy ,to welcome christmas this year

A little Bornholmsk farmhouse,-(looks a bit like the one I`m living in )

More candles, to gift as a little something

A little simple, but sweet misses

3 Graces,-one hiding behind a branch

Flying angel with wings made of gauze

And my blue fairy , -sold

I have had a christmass bazar today, in my shop.
And although the day started with rain, and cold weather,
it ended up, being a very good day, with many
wellknown faces to greet me, and to buy my goods and art.
Thankyou for a lovely day to all whom visited me here.
And sweet wishes for all friends out there,
hope you are having a wonderfull saturday.
Love and hugs, Dorthe


My Creative House said...

Wonderful pictures from your shop -så vidunderlige og dejlige ting du har i butikken Dorthe, og hvor skønt for dig at der har været kunder på tros af det ekstremt dårlige vejr, også dejligt at se de fine ting du køber og swapper dig til, må være inspirerende at se andres ting i virkeligheden, vi kikker jo bedst med fingerne - ikke.
Ha en rigtig god søndag.
Knus Anni

Ingrid said...

Hej Dorthe,Vad roligt att det blev en lyckad dag på din bazar,det förstår jag med så många fina änglar!Ha en riktigt mysig första advent kramar Ingrid

Sandy said...

Wow Dorthe ich kann nur staunen und staunen. Wunderschön und mir fehlen einfach die Worte.

Ich wünsche Dir einen wunderschönen Sonntag.

Viola said...

Deine Puppen sind einfach traumhaft!! Bin total begeistert von ihnen. Ganz toll! Liebe Grüße! :O)

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Vielen Dank für die Detailfotos aus Deinem Laden! Deine Feen, Puppen und Engel sind wieder wunderschön! Liebe Grüße und eine schöne Woche, Julia

Lisa said...

I am so happy your sale went well, mine is next weekend & I'm hoping we have a crowd too. I am crazy about your collage from JoAnnA, I think that is how we met isnt' it? I am taking a workshop with her in May at KCs! Your shop looks so beautiful, maybe one day you'll see me walk through your door with my 3 wild kids! I'd love that. I love the flying angel with gause wings best. Lisa
PS Those angel heads are plaster I believe, not terribly old, maybe 50s. They have hooks to hang on the wall, I just tied them around her neck. They are for sale, can't remember how much.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Dorthe!! Any one of those items would make a great Christmas gift. Too bad you're across the ocean- I need to point my husband in the right direction!