I almost finished my birdhouse, made from Karen`s (My Desert Cottage) workshop on Artists Class ,only have to find a beautifull flower to the foot, but wanted to show it now.
Then found a piece of wood in the work room of my husbond.....to use for foot.
The beautifull piece under the nest is an old iron handle,that I painted white, and under that placed a prisme.

I altered and rusted a piece of copper ,all shiny and new,-now as if it was there for ages...

Then mounted a piece of old wood cutting.The leg was beautifull old, so I just painted all the rest to look alike. Karen Thanks for a wonderfull tutorial, I so enjoyed trying to do this,even it was not possible to get all the materials here in Denmark.
This is just a little teaser, something packet and sent today, to a very sweet lady, who needs to be surprised herself,too--lol.(photo a little blurry ,but it`s ok, for now)

It is raining like it will never stop here, this evening,- so our dry ground, will feel well tomorrow.
I hope you are all feeling well too, and sending love and hugs.
Your birdhouse is beautiful!
Fabulous bird house. I love the vintage look it has. The sneak peek is quite interesting as it includes one of your amazing dolls. Happy creating...
Dorthe~ your birdhouse is SO charming!!
HI Dorthe, you made such a beautiful birdhouse,it is really amazing. I haven't attempted the projects yet, but they are waiting for me. Your sweet doll is beautiful, someone is going to feel very special.
Gorgeous!!!!! Dorthe, you are such an amazing artist, everything you touch is beautiful sweet friend. I love your birdhouse! Wishing you a wonderful weekend ~ hugs and love, Dawn
Oh Dorthe, your birdhouse is wonderful, I love the chippy paint look, now I want one!
OMG what a darling little birds house. So wonderful shabby style. Love them Dorthe.
I wish you a sunny weekend my friend. Hugs.
Guten Morgen, liebe Dorthe, wow, das ist ein sehr schönes Vogelhaus! Das Stuhlbein ist perfekt dafür und Du hast einen tollen Shabbylook hinbekommen. Das Kupferdach sieht auch super aus. Dieses Projekt hat bestimmt viel Spaß gemacht.
Da wird sich ja demnächst jemand über einen Deiner wunderschönen Puppen freuen!
Ich melde mich demnächst noch ausführlich bei Dir.
Viele liebste Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende,
Gorgeous birdhouse you are so creative, og kan se muligheder i hvad du her af materialer, virkelig smukt lavet kære Dorthe, det lidt man kan se af dukken ser skønt ud, du laver nogle fantastiske ting. Kan du nu ha en rigtig god weekend, vejret skulle ikke blive for godt så folk må vel gå i forretninger, håber du får travlt.
Kærlig hilsen Anni
Hi Dorthe,
your birdhouse looks beautiful - love the rusted roof. What a fun project.Have a wonderful weekend
This is so creative--I love how you showed all of the details!!
A beautiful birdhouse Dorthe!! And i love your dolls.
Have a nice weekend
XoXo Yvonne
Hello my dear sweet Dorthe!
Your little birdhouse is so cute. That little big with his nest just tops it off. It all goes so well together. You did an excellent job.
Love the little sneek/peek of the doll!
Oh Dorthe! This is just beautiful! I love the iron handle you added to it... perfect touch.
Sweet Dorthe - this little birdhouse is so adorable. I love the white wash color and the little nests~~~~ (you know I love nests!) This is so creative andyoudid a wonderful jobmaking this little treasure - will it sit in your shop as decoration?
I hope it has finally stopped raining there - oh it has been magnificent here!
I hope you have the sweetest Mother's Day ever. I have volunteered to work - so the young Mom's can have off. But I will hold and snuggle some tiny, tiny little ones - isn't that a wonderful way to spend Mother's Day?
lovely lovely bird house!! and YOU WON- send me your address! xo
This turned out sooo cute! You really made it your own. Your little sweet doll is darling! Lisa
Dein Vogelhäuschen ist total toll, liebe Dorthe! Und soooo schöööön shabby! :-) Deine Puppe sieht auch wieder ganz klasse aus!
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