Since I first saw the very beautifull pillows ,made with old lace and fabric, I have been very facinated , and watching another today, I thought, they would be a wonderfull inspiration,
for very small lavender pillows.
inside the pocket.
chosen from a beautifull book-page I recieved from my dear friend Liz .
I love this old engravings,-and Liz so sweet gifted me with some bird-images.
Thanks so much dear.

This white metal-bowl, alwayes holds varius displayes,-and just
now I have collected some , of my very dear gifts, and buyes,to make a spring display
The most beautifull lace on tag,and clothespin, I got in a very special and beautifull eastergift
from my so dear , and close friend -and very talented artist Julia
The little pillow ,I won in a giveaway from Marie
She has become a new, and dear friend ,too.
And then two of my latest buyes, the beautifull pear, from Diane
a wonderfull woman that I am happy to ,too call my friend
and the birds drawing -it is so sweet, ---purchased from Michelle Palmer.
Well I know I just showed the two last art pieces , but i wanted to do those two fantastic
artists credit again, I so love their work

Last photo is from my yard, showing an old iron urn with a
gorgeus Petunia in the most fantastic soft pink color.
I think it looks so very beautifull.

It started to rain, and storm now, 9,30 evening, it is dark and cold,
Hope my newsowed little things can cope with this autumn - like
Dear friends, thanks for every kind and loving word on my blog,
it makes me feel so very happy, and means more than I can express.
Love and hugs, Dorthe