This doll, -also made for the exhibition, represents, one of the ,for me ,very importent
things in life : hold on to your inner child,-don`t forget to play, experience,dream,and create.
Don`t let your inner child leave,when growing up.But keep her close, and experience with
her, lots of exiting things.
which I found on The Feathered Nest,- Dawn`s beautifull blog.

We met on MMM and exchanged ATC´S, mine is now on it`s way to her.
I love this one, thanks Julia.
here , for working together, and enjoing each others compagny, lovely.
Wishing all of you a happy saturday, too.
Hugs to all dear friends.
xo. Dorthe
Dear Dorthe, she's wonderful!!! I love the image that you've incorporated into your doll ~ what a great idea....I love the sweet messages that adorn her body and especially her button hair! hugs and love to you, Dawn
Dorthe, your inner child doll is wonderful. I am so much in awe with your doll-making talent. I've looked through your blog and see some of the adorable dolls you have made and some that are going to be on exhibition in October. You are so talented.
Wieder sooo klasse, Dorthe! Super schön! Hoffe, Du hattest ein schönes Wochenende! :-)
Shes wonderful! Thanks for coming by to visit! Cant wait to see what you are working on now. Laurie
Your doll is exquisite - so beautiful and with a message. Stunning artwork. I love it!
Hei Dorthe! Tusen takk for hyggeliig hilsen, og for at du vil følge min blogg. Det gir en stor glede og møte nye kreative mennesker fra både nær og fjern, det er jo bare helt fantastisk. Ekstra glad blir jeg om jeg kan glede noen med mine bilder:)
Du laver noen helt fantastiske dukker, vidunderlige... med veldig særegen personlighet.
Ønsker deg en deilig dag videre!
I've just been browsing your blog. I so love those dolls you make - they are real beauties! I'm going to look some more now!
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