I tryed my hand on my first pumpkin today!! alwayes wanted to do some, but
till now ,it stayed in my head as a wish.
I used different white and tan materials to sew it up.

Then added beautifull laces, Skeleton leaves

An old wood stock

and different twigs-real ones and made
of wire.Lastly a little silver glitter.

I surely will make more ,
like so much the real onesand think that even this one enden up a bit flat, I like
it alot.
Hope you all had , and have a beautifull day,
I love your first pumpkin especially the real twig used for the stem. I love white pumpkins and this one is very special. xo Julie
I love it Dorthe!! I love the little touches you added here and there and of course love the natural stem...Thank you so much for your kind comments on my giveaway artwork, I hope you are doing wonderful sweet friend, hugs and love, Dawn
Love your pumpkin Dorthe. The white with the natural colors and stem looks so beautiful.
Have a nice weekend,
XO Yvonne
I love the elements you used to create this wonderful pumpkin! Nature is my muse also and to combine it with beautiful fabric is outstanding. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. Lisa
Hi Dorthe your pumpkin is very beautiful, love the lace - hvor sjovt jeg har også lige syet et græskar men i gul thaisilke og med grøn stilk, købte mønstret for flere år siden, har lige været ved at rydde op og da fandt jeg det, så jeg skulle lige prøve sy det (har lige købt et stort pyntegræskar med fine aftegninger, og det var det der sætte det igang) det er låget indvendig der er dekoreret på min lille dåse, håber du må få en rigtig god weekend.
De kærligste hilsner fra Anni
Tolles Teil, Dorthe! Ich liebe ihn auch! Super schön gemacht! Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende!
P.S. Mein Mann mag weiss!!Gott sei Dank, hihi! ;o)))
Din pumpa är superfin!
Jag blir inspirerad att göra en egen.
Ha det så bra!
Oh...soooo schön...!
Wow Dorth that is fantastic my friend. Wonderful art work and clever thinking too. I look forward to seeing more
Thanks also for your message my friend. I will look out for the postman :)
Hugs June xxx
WOW Beautiful work,so clever !x
Hi Dorthe, Your pumkin turned out so very beautiful! I love how you added the lace & skelton leaves and the stem is such a fabulous idea! Your stunning creations inspire me so much!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment you left on my blog...I always love to hear from you!
Carol Anne
I love your pumpkin!!! I cant wait to see more. Congrates on winning JoAnnA's givaway! Laurie
My charms are made of lead free solder so they can be worn. After next weekend I'll be listing some one ebay and etsy.
Your pumpkin is so elegant and imaginative.
I am back from my vacation and now I am enjoying a catch up with my blog friends. xoxo
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