This is how it starts--a fairy is being born

Her body-arms and legs sewn, and stuffed

She comes alive

and are now waiting to get dressed,for that you have to wait
till my next blogging, as I`m going to finish them

And last some very sweet lavender sachets
from my shop

Theese all bright white, with pastell accents makes
me feel in real summer spirit.

Wishing you a happy day-all
til alle her i Danmark en dejlig
Kristi himmelfartsdag.
xxoo, Dorthe
I am so glad I found your blog! Your art and creative projects make me smile every time I check in with you. Those dolls are going to be gorgeous!! :) Silke
Wonderful fairys you are making. -
Spændende at se starten på nogle nye fantastiske feer, glæder mig til at se dem færdige,tak for din søde kommentar til min bog, den var rigtig sjov at lave og nej jeg har ikke selv lavet frynserne, kun farvet dem. Håber du må få en rigtig god weekend.
Kærlig hilsen Anni
your fairy dolls are beautiful, these ones are no exception, the faces on them have so much expression. can't wait to see them all finished!
love those lavender sachets too. beautiful. xox
Super schön, Dorthe! Deine fairies sind immer so toll! Deine Stoffbeutelchen aber auch! :o)
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