Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Last year I found a blog : ART JOY STUFF   

And a new friend Kimberly.

I at once loved what she created and sells in her Etsy shop

And have purchased several beautiful things.
So when Kimberly sweetly asked, if we should swap,I was thrilled!

Look at the lovely tag she made me! It shimmers
so beautifully.

This is the BEAUTIFUL heart I got,
See how lovely all fits together, with the wonderful
image and the gorgeous old bits and pieces ,Kimberly
always uses in her lovely art.
I love it !

She added the most sweet little tags  for me also ,
as a birthday gift -so very kind and loving of her.
I love them and their tinynes ( 5*5 cm)
and see the number 7 round tag-also so 
beautifully shimmering.
I guess you all know I love shimmer :-)

I had difficulties taking a good photo of Kimberly`s other birthday 
gift to me...but if you click my photoes you can see them better.
Isen`t it the dearest wonderful little porcelain doll swepped in lovely thin
old lace-and so wonderfully decorated with the old watch face,
and beautiful buttom

Dear Kimberly,-Thankyou  so much , you made me very
happy,with your beautiful gifts.

This is the heart I made for her, she had asked for something with a bit of
driftwood,so I added a few wonderful pieces,to this
natures heart.

And wrote my thankyou for the swap on the bach of this card.

Thankyou again dear Kimberly.

And also thankyou to all of you dear followers, new and old- I`m so happy
you are here visiting me, and commenting .
 I wish you all a beautiful rest of the week.

I know I have reached 500 followers, and will soon have a giveaway !



Emilie said...

Kære Dorthe.

Hvilken dejlig swap og smukke kreationer!

Nyder du også disse smukke sommerdage, vi har for tiden? Jeg bliver så glad, når solen skinner og varmer.

Knus, Emilie

Yvonne Garner said...

Kimberly's work is breathtaking indeed, as is yours. Thank you for sharing. Best wishes, Yvonne

Rhonda said...

Hi Dorthe, I also love Kimberly's work..she is amazing and so inspiring.

Beautiful swaps you are in...all so pretty!

Rhissanna said...

Congratulations on 500 followers! And those are some lovely little gifts you've shared. Both the ones you received and the ones you gave! So pretty and vintage and sweet!

Tanya said...

Lucky you, Dorthe...good things come to good people! It's all so lovely - hope you're feeling better! XOXO Tanya

marie said...

Such a nice swap. Kimberly's little tiny tags are so sweet and both hearts are beautiful! I love all the pretty layers.

That little porcelain doll is pretty too and I really like the idea of writing your thank you note on the back of piece of art!

Unknown said...

How lovely! Both gifts are so precious! I love your heart and I love Kimberly's too. :) You gals had alot of fun! :)


Debra@CommonGround said...

oh Dorthe, I LOVE the heart you made with the wonderful bird graphic and driftwood!! so pretty!

Ephemera said...

Hi Dorthe, what gorgeous and beautiful gifts you and Kimberley have made for one another, thank you so much for sharing. Off to checkout Kimberleys blog now. XX

Sandy said...

Oh Sweetie what a lovely swap.
Kimberly has made so wonderful things for you. Fabulous and your work for her is a dream.
She is a lucky girl.

nelly said...

Здравей скъпа Дороти, ти продължаваш да ни изненадваш като ни показваш невероятните си подаръци. Благодаря ти за този пост, аз не знаех този блог на Кимбърли. Радвам се, че го открих чрез теб.
Поздрави и прегръдки от мен.

Lululiz said...

Here in our little corner of blogland we are surrounded by so many talented artists. Isn't is just wonderful? Your swap with Kimberly was fabulous. I had already admired your heart and the beautiful card in her posts. I love the things she has sent you as well. By now your home must be overflowing with the most amazing artwork from all over the world. Hugs to you xxx

Sarina said...

Hello Dorthe,
These are truly, lovely gifts.
I hope your eyers are getting better and better?
Have a nice day,


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I don't have much luck with swaps- but you sure did!!

suziqu's thread works said...

Hello my dear faraway friend.
Such a beautiful swap with dear Kimberly.
Both of your hearts are adorable and so are the cards.
Swapping hearts generates such warm friendships.
Much love and hugs and will email soon!
Suzy xoxox

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Hi dear Dorthe,
I also admire Kimberly's work and the two of you did such a beautiful job.Thanks for sharing.
Have a wonderful evening.
Sending hugs,

Cindy Adkins said...

OH MY GOSH< these are all so beautiful!!! Such amazing friendship and creativity. I hope that you had a wonderful birthday, Dorthe. Sending love & hugs your way,

Bente said...

Hei kjære Dorthe. Så mye fint du har vist i dine siste innlegg. Nydelig.

Ja, jeg elsker Danmark og neste gang kanskje vi drar lenger sør og besøker deg (smil).
Ha en fin fredag

Klem fra meg

Mom E. said...

How much fun the two of you have had, thinking and planning for each other's gifts. You both are very talented!

I love you dolls! I have gone back and forth about making dolls, I have done some doll making, all different kinds, but was never really happy with the way they turned out. I have a pattern for a fairy doll I have decided to make, just because you inspired me!
Thanks so much!

Createology said...

Dorthe your swap with Kimberly is a beautiful one. You both did hearts and that is because you both have huge generous giving hearts of love. You are special and your gifts...both given and received are special. Blissful Dear...

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Hello my sweet friend, you had such a lovely swap with Kimberly. You both created the most beautiful things for each other. It's always great to receive such fantastic swap gifts.
Have a sunny and creative day :-)!
Big hugs og mange kys,

Anonymous said...

A beautiful fun swap you participated in dear Dorthe.
The heart from your friend is so special, I love the blue colour and the precious images she used.
The heart you sent to her is "so you" with the piece of driftwood. I now associate driftwood with you :)
Thank you for sharing this swap with us.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful sharing, those are all such pretty things Dorthe
Have a lovely week my friend
hugS June xxx

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Dorthe,

What a fun swap, I love both the gifts you gave and received.
Both hearts are so pretty and love all the sweet tags and cards.

Happy weekend

Martina said...

What a delightful swap, dear Dorthe! I also love Kimberly's art very well. You've got gorgeous and beautiful things. And you`ve just giving away great work.

Have a nice weekend my friend. Hugs and wishes

mette laumann said...

Hej du dejlige
Skønne ting der dukker op med posten hos dig <3
-Og tusind tak for din altid dejlige hilsen LOOOVE IT !
Håber du har en masse der kommer og besøger dig i butikken her i ferien , de er jo nu vi skal gi den gas.
Jeg har haft en så vildt skøn ferie , så nu gør det ikke så meget den er forbi , for jeg har også lyst at blogge igen , også er det jo så fedt at komme tilbage og se alle de flotte ting.
Kæmpe kram og kys Mette

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Dorthe,
What a beautiful swap with Kimberly. Her gifts to you are amazing and your to her just beautiful too. Such talent and creativity in these special hearts and tags. Love the shimmer!!
I hope your birthday was as special as you!!
Thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment. I am so glad to have found your blog. So enjoying my visits the last few weeks.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Kimberly at ArtJoyStuff said...

Dear Dorthe,
I truly will cherish the beautiful heart you created for me, it couldn't be more perfect.
hugs & JOY my dear friend,

Alexandra said...

What a nice Swap!!! Soooo schöne Sachen ;)

Viola said...

Mal gucken, ob es heute klappt!!
Dein Herz ist traumhaft schön und die Karte ganz zauberhaft, liebe Dorthe! Wie immer, hihi! Auch hast Du wunderbare Dinge von Kimberly bekommen.

Lisa said...

Hi Sweetie,
I know this is an old post but I'm catching up & had to comment. OMG, these hearts make my heart skip a beat~ You think I'd get tired of hearts but everyone I see is so unique. Especially these 2. The blue she used is beautiful! And those tags she made.....I must go check her out. And the heart you made for her. Well, I think you know how I love that one!

Jillayne said...

Another wonderful Swap Dorthe, filled with many splendid things.
I like the little tags too - they are very sweet and pretty. I think you both were lucky indeed!