Friday, September 30, 2011


I have got a big problem!!!
Trying to comment on certain blogs, my comment dissapers into the sky- ??? dosen`t matter how many times I try ---NO COMMENT - Are there anyone of you out there having the same problem, and know what to do ???
Today I have had the problem with :  and   and others too- I so want to comment on my dear friends posts- and therefore asks you for help.
I have asked BLOGGER--and it seems other have the same problem-but NO ANSWER from Blogger.

Thankyou on forehand- dear friends.
Love and hugs,-Dorthe


Lululiz said...

Oh Dorthe, thats just so annoying and frustrating. I can't help at all, I am so sorry. It does infuriate me though, that Blogger rarely responds to problems. We have had this particular problem before, quite a while ago, right? So why is occurring again? Arrgghh.
I have had a problem with Blogger for many months now. When I post using Chrome, I can't cut and paste photos to go inbetween text in my post, I have to use Firefox in order to do so. When I contacted Blogger I was told it was a " compatibility problem " and they would look into it. I guess they are still looking, it ain't fixed yet, lol!
I really hope this commenting problem will be resolved very soon. The support and encouragement we receive through comments is very much needed!

Anonymous said...

Some times it has happened but not often. Other blog pals have had real problems, you are not alone. Don't have an answer for you Dorthe. xox Corrine

suziqu's thread works said...

Yes Sweet Friend,
I've had this problem for the last two days and find it totally frustrating, even retrying 2-3 times to no avail. Guess we just have to sit it out til Blogger resolves this one.
Big love and hugs dearest,
Suzy xoxoxox

joke said...

It sometimes helps if you are using a different provider on internet.
So, for example through Firefox. This is free to download.Success!

inge said...

maybe if you try with not be stayed insigned it helps... I hope it for you ;-)

morkaren said...

Hej Dorte, jeg kan ikke hjælpe dig med dit problem, forstår næsten ikke engelsk, men vil aligevel skrive til dig at det er en skøn blog du har, som jeg nyder at "støve" rundt på. venlig hilsen morkaren.

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hi Dorthe, I've had that same problem! I did some research and it seems that it's associated with "Windows". (is that what you use?) They do "updates", and the latest has caused a problem with commenting. I had to go into my computer on the toolbar (safety)and "delete" all my history, cookies, pretty much everything. That has helped to be able to comment. We all need to send "windows" a message telling them to be careful of their "updates"! Hope this will help. It effected me commenting on everyone's blog! xoxo Debra

GerryART said...

I went to the blog 612riverside and see a comment from you on the most current post.

Rhonda said...

I have the same problem, Dorthe. It's just a few but I don't understand why. If I find out how to fix it, I will email you. Okay? hugs, Rhonda

Tanya said...

Hi Dorth...tried to drop you an email, but cannot find your email address. Your lovely package arrived, and will be MUCH loved - it's BEAUTIFUL!!!

As for the comments, I started having issues this week, also...either I can't leave comments myself, or I am getting people contacting me that they can't leave them on my blog.

And here's another something new...I actually got two from you this morning, and a third from another friend...I went ahead and published yours, AND hers...yours showed up, but hers went somewhere unknown - even though it is showing as published on my dashboard. It is not there - I had someone else send me an email comment, so I went and put those two in as anonymous.

SO irritating! Let me know if you get an answer - I'm just glad it's happening to more than just me! Happy Friday - XOXO - Tanya

Tanya said...

Dorthe - I am having HUGE issues leaving comments on anyone's blogs right now...I just left you a three paragraph one, that seems to have disappeared. Please let me know if it came through or not...

XOXO - Tanya

Tanya said...

OK, it looks like my original didn't go through to you...First of all, THANK YOU FOR THE DELIGHTFUL GIFTS - I don't have an email address for you, so posted my thank you on the blog. They will be MUCH loved - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

As for blog comments, I have been having issues for about a week...and others have, too. And here's another issue...I got both of your messages through this morning, and posted them. Another friend left a comment, and I "published" hers, but it will NOT show up, even though my dashboard says it is published.

Another friend just wrote to say she cannot leave a comment, either, so she sent me an email. I cut and pasted both hers, and the other friend's, into an anonymous comment and put them in for's maddening, and I know they aren't very forthcoming with answers!

I'm just glad it isn't just me it is happening to! Thank you again, Dorthe...I love my gifts - you are an incredible talent! XOXO Tanya

Mina Gouldsamadiner said...

Prova att byta webbläsare.Har du IE har jag märkt att det kan va stört omöjligt att kommentera.Bytte till Google Chrome och nu funkar allt super...

Kris said...

I went to the first blog you mentioned and saw your comments to them. Something must be kinked if you cannot see them.

morkaren said...

Jeg kan ikke hjælpe dig, men vil gerne fortælle at jeg nyder din blog. v.h. morkaren.

Sonya Badgley said...

Hi Dorthe,
Yes! I'm having the same trouble! And I can't find a solution. I'm hoping that blogger will fix this. I think it's from them trying to change things and update but I sure wish they would just leave things alone!
I will let you know if I find a cure for this. Try leaving the blogs an email instead. That's what I've been doing. In the meantime-good luck! I sure hope they fix it soon!


Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Dorthe,
I haven't had that happen...but I have one blog that when I go on and leave a comment, it takes me off the internet completely!!!

See if you can use a different browser to go into their blogs (sometimes I have to do that.) I usually use Safari, but to go into the "special" one, I have to use Firefox. I sure hope that helps!!! Let me know if it does.


Anonymous said...

Ohhh i have been having these problems too :( I hope they can do something about this, its so annoying.
sending hugs for the weekend

pop by my Dezinaworld blog today if you get chance and grab the french freebies i have there.
I hope you have a lovely weekend
hugs June

Diane said...

Hi Dorthe, I'm having the same problem--if you find out what the problem is--let me know

Emilie said...

Øv, hvor er det da bare træls!
Blogger har det godt nok med at drille lidt for ofte, synes jeg...
Selv har jeg ikke oplevet problemet, men jeg håber, at du snart hører fra Blogger, og at det går i orden igen.

Vi har haft rigtig flot vejr de sidste par dage, så det er en skøn måde at starte weekenden på.

Rigtig god weekend til dig fra mig.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Dorthe, I just had that problem and thought I must have done something wrong like hitting the wrong button. I don't have an answer. This is the first time it has happened. Pls let me know if you find out anything.
Warmest regards,

Bente said...

Hi, I have the same problem. It started a couple of days ago. Hope it will be ok soon.

Have a nice weekend.

Hugs Bente

Yitte said...

Hi Dorthe

I have the same problem with some blogs. Hope someone have a solution for this problem.
Have a nice weekend.
Hugs Yvonne

The Feathered Nest said...

Hello sweet friend, I've heard this from other bloggers too!! I wish Blogger would get it fixed soon...I miss hearing from everyone :) hugs and love, Dawn

Vicki Boster said...

Hello my friend-
I was having so so many problems with blogging- I was almost ready to give up blogging- had accepted that Iight have to--- and then I switched to Firefox. I have not had one single problem since then- it's been about a month. I think that is the answer--

I know you must be so frustrated- nothing makes me more upset!!

the old white house said...

Hello Dorthe! I don't know what you saw on your end, but i did get your comment... actually I got 2 of them - Thank you!!
I was having the same problem a bit ago and it was because i did not noticed that i had checked the box for stay signed in. ONce I unchecked it, all was right with the blogging world again :)
Hope this helps! Thanks for visiting, I always enjoy it when you do! t. xoxoox

Anonymous said...

I ahd one go "poof" the other day, but generally things are working. Do not click on the "keep me signed in" box. That kills all my comments.

Createology said...

Me too! I am typing all my comments and submitting them only to not know where they go. Hmmm...

Carole said...

Yes I have found the same trouble. Started 3 days ago I think. Just like you said it just vanishes. Sometimes it goes thru and other times not. I have had so little time blogging these days I don't need to waste a minute...uggh

hope this baby goes


Alisa said...

I have had the same problem on some blogs and on others none at all. I was wondering about it myself.

Viola said...

Guten Morgen, liebe Dorthe! Ups, die Probleme habe ich garnicht. Da kann ich Dir leider auch nicht helfen. Tut mir leid, meine Süße!

Sandra Foster said...

Hi Dorthe, Using Firefox I can't even leave a comment on my own blog(s). So what I have learned is to Copy the URL and paste it into Google's CHROME browser and that works for me. CHROME is part of Google's Empire and somehow they mesh together with Blogger. Good luck.