Wednesday, May 11, 2011

beautiful paper napkins

Now this is the finished collage, from my last post.
As you can maybe see, I have used a papernapkin to the background.

I found those napkins in an wholesale shop-and bought 12 packages à 12 napkins inside.
You can se there are 4 different prints on them- of beautiful schript.

I will put some in my Etsy  ,if someone could be interested in buying a packet.

I think they are gorgeus for backgrounds for collages of all kind-
AND for putting on your table :)

Tomorrow I`m leaving the island ,to go see my grandchildren in Copenhagen-
and my husbond stayes home,to take care of the shop.
I can`t wait to be with them for some dayes.
So now you know ,what is going on, if I dont get time to visit, you while I`m away.

I wish you all beautiful dayes- spring or autumn..
See you soon again dear friends.
Love and hugs-Dorthe


Terri Gordon said...

Hello, I would love to purchase some of these beautiful napkins. Could you please contact me. Thank you so much. Love your beautiful blog. Hugs, Terri

Lululiz said...

Those are napkins? Wow, Dorthe, they are gorgeous, I would have bought lots and lots of those as well. I bet they will look great on the table, real conversation pieces.

They sure make good background for collages as well, as your beautiful piece proves. You have done it again, Dorthe, you made such a gorgeous collage. All those sweet embellishments, just lovely.

Have a really good time visiting with your family!

Becca said...

Oh Dorthe, these papernapkins are lovely! I have used paper napkins in my art before too, but I've never found any that look so pretty with the script on them. I will check out your shop! Have a lovely trip!

Mosaic Magpie said...

Beautiful napkins and you are right great to use in a lot of places.

Raspberries and Rose Petals said...

Hi Dorthe! Your collage is beautiful! I would have never guessed that was a napkin ~ I haven't seen napkins like that before!

Have a wonderful time with your grandchildren!


Rhonda said...

Oh Dorthe, you have got to be kidding me? Those napkins and your collage are so beautiful.
I'm heading over to your shop.

Now, you have a wonderful time with your sweet family!

Hugs, Rhonda

Unknown said...

i've never seen such lovely napkins dorthe! j'adore! I hope you have a wonderful time with your grandchildren in Copenhagen. what fun!

My Creative House said...

Good evening my sweet friend, very lovely collage, love the colors, hvor er de fine servietterne, glæder mig til af få nogle at arbejde med, vi snakkes ved om lidt.
Knus Anni

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Dear Dorthe,
the collage is gorgeous and I love the napkin!!!Enjoy the time with your grandchildren.Wishing you a safe trip.

Sue said...

Lovely Dorthe!

Off to get caught up on some of your recent posts now.



Pretty Ragged Threads said...

Dorhe, Your collage is beautiful. The napkin made a great background. I have never seen napkins like that.

Have a great time on your visit. You will be missed while gone.


suziqu's thread works said...

Sweet Dorthe
What a stunning collage my friend!
It is full of dreaminess, sweetness, love and friendship, softness and roses - all the things which I hold dear! That rose is so pretty as is the girl holding an armful of more roses. And all this beauty collaged on an exquisite serviette. What a lucky find indeed. These will go in no time at all my dear.
Big hugs and my love to you,

Holly Loves Art said...

Hello Dorthe,
Your napkin artwork is very beautiful. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day.

Suztats said...

Have a lovely visit with your grandchildren and safe travels!

sjmcdowell said...

Dear Dorthe,

I wish you a glorious time with your grandchildren!!

See you when you return.

Hugs and Blessings,


Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Lovely collage- the napkins are wonderful! I hope you have a great trip!

Suz said...

I love those napkins. I would love a pack or two, if you get this before you leave. If not, I hope you have a wonderful trip! That's a beautiful collage. She indeed looks like a dreamer!

Unknown said...

Beautiful...really like the napkins that you used. Have a Happy Weekend! Tiff

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Dorthe,

What beautiful napkins and I love your wonderful college.
Hope that you have a lovely time away with your family.

Enjoy your spring days

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Good morning, dearest Dorthe! Your collage is gorgeous with lots of adorable images and laces. The napkins are very pretty indeed. I wish I would have such a lovely handwriting.
Have a save trip and a lot of fun with your grandchildren in Copenhagen, sweetie!
Sending you warm wishes and mange kys og knus,

Alisa Noble said...

Beautiful collage!
I have never seen napkins like those... fantastic!

Joanne Huffman said...

Lovely napkins, very nicely used in your collage. Have a wonderful time with your grandchildren.

Martina said...

That looks really fabulous, dear Dorthe! Quite charming!

And also thanks for your favourable comments on my blog:-)

Emilie said...

Ih, hvor er din collage bare yndig!
Der er bare nogle rigtig dejlige detaljer på som eksempelvis blomsterne og sommerfuglene.

Tak for kigget.
Jeg håber, du får nogle dejlige dage i København.
Hilsner fra FarfallaDK

Lynne Moncrieff said...

Another piece of art that melts the heart, such beauty.
Have a wonderful time with your Grandchildren.

Sharon Morrison Mercantile said...

I found your blog through a mutual friend, Lisa at Tarnished and Tattered. I love your blog and will now be a follower.

sharon said...

Really gorgeous napkins Dorthe! The collage is even more beautiful!!!
Have a wonderful trip, will write soon!

Myrna said...

Dorthe, your art is just STUNNING!! So beautiful!
Have a wonderful time with your darling grandchildren!!

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Dorthe,

I love your sweet collage and the fabulous napkins.
Have a wonderful time away with your grandchildren and what a special time that will be.


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I've never seen napkins like those before. They are lovely and your collage is beautiful. Enjoy your time away. Best wishes, Tammy

Anonymous said...

What a find and how great for backgrounds. Thanks for sharing your creative spirit. xox Corrine

Vicki Boster said...

Oh Dorthe - what a magnificent fine in those napkins! They are perfect for your collage - I adore the script writing on them! Your collage is perfectly beautiful - that napkin is just the right touch!

Do have a wonderful time visiting those sweet babes of yours. It is just so wonderful to be a grandma isn't it! We babysat for Keri Beth last night - she is pulling up - can walk is she is pushing things - crawls everywhere! She has so much personality - we adore her! Have a wonderful trip my friend~~


Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Dorthe,
Oh how beautiful!!! And I hope you had such fun with your grandchildren and a great trip!!

Carole said...

Wishing you a wonderful stay with your grandkids.
Those napkins are fabulous and I would have stocked up too. I always love to see all your creations.

FredaB said...

Hi Dorthe

I love the collage that you made out of the napkin. I too would like to buy a package from you. I went to Etsy but they were not listed yet.

Have a great time with your children and grandchildren in Copenhagen. that should be a nice treat for you.



ps - I was in Jillayne's Christmas swap with you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dorthe, This is a lovely collage, as all of yours are, and what a great find for the background!
So unusual! I hope you have a happy and safe trip to Copenhagen.
Blessings, Dear Friend!

Anonymous said...

Wow- I'd have bought ever single package of those napkins!! Gorgeous.

Paula said...

Hello sweetheart Dorthe! I love your gorgeous collage!!! The lady is so pretty and the rose and butterfly are beautiful!!! Your collages are always a delight to see and filled with so many lovely layers and sweet touches! The napkins you found are fabulous!!! I have never seen anything like those. They look like something from an old book. Wonderful find sweet friend and how creative of you to use it in your gorgeous collage! You always inspire me so very much!

I am glad you had a wonderful trip to see your precious grandchildren! I know they loved seeing you sweetheart!

I wish you beautiful spring days dearest friend and send you lots of love, hugs and kisses! Love you beautiful angel friend! Paula xoxo

Marlynn said...

Dorthe - love your creation and those napkins are a fantastic find. Enjoy your visit with your grandchildren! Hugs

Suz said...

Wonderful collage, Dorthe. I love seeing your creations, so soft and beautiful!

Are you back yet? I saw youbhad posted. On someone's site since the problem with Blogger but maybe that was before. How would you like me to pay for the napkins? I love them so!


Evy said...

What a wonderful collage, I like very much these soft tints, and the used paper!
I hope that you took advantage well of your children!

Hugs Dorthe

Anneke said...

wow, these napkins are so beautiful.
you can use them for so many things.
they have a real nice vintage look.
i am curious what you are making with them.
hugs and a nice week dorthe!

Sandy said...


Your work is always stunning and the napkins are so unique! Enjoy your visit with your darling grands! Safe travel.

Jillayne said...

The napkins are beautiful Dorthe and if they aren't all spoken for I would love some - too pretty!
I hope you have a wonderful visit with your grandchildren!!

Journal Swag said...

Wow, those are awesome napkins! Just beautiful! Great score!



Shelley Whiting said...

Wow you are creative. I never would have thought about altered napkins. These are the coolest stylish napkins ever.