Saturday, April 9, 2011

I just have to tell you about a new giveaway

I only realy met her some months ago, and we have become close friends already...
She is the most fantastic artist, making such wonderful patchwork art  and mixed media collages and much more.You just have to take a look at her blog, --You will love all the vibrant colors, and beauty  seen there
-I do!

Suzy is having her 200 followers giveaway, and among the gifts are this beautiful,beautiful piece,
I`m totally in love with it-and I think everyone would be happy to win it.
CLICK the button-to go visit, this dear lady, and her beautiful blog.

Crocus`es from my garten  wishing you  a lovely week-end

Big hugs and love to you all


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

What a beautiful giveaway indeed! I am off to visit this lovely lady. Hope you are having a wonderful day. :) Tammy

Vicki Boster said...

Dorthe- thank you for sharing this blog and the beautiful give away with all of us.

Your beautiful spring crocus are the essence of spring. I am sending great big hugs to you- way over there--

Anonymous said...

She is most amazing I agree, and a lovely person like you. Thanks for your encouraging comments my faraway friend. xox Corrine

marie said...

Thank you for sharing about this giveaway - Suzy's work is such fun. I LOVE the way she uses all those colors. Her giveaway prizes are gorgeous.

Love your peek at flowers! So pretty!

sharon said...

Thanks for sharing the giveaway and another beautiful artist Dorthe! Hope you are well, and am glad the flowers are poking some happiness into your day!

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Dorthe,

Many thanks for telling us about your new friend Suzy and the gorgeous giveaway she is having.
I will go over and visit her.
Also love your sweet crocuses from the garden, a sure sign that Spring has arrived at your place.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend

Evy said...

Suzy makes magnificent creations, and to be able to win one of them is a big chance!
I like your work, and am in love for the delicious pieces where you use laces!

Beautiful day

suziqu's thread works said...

Sweet Dorthe
All I can say is where would we be without friends like you to love and support us in sharing goodwill to others. Thank you so much in putting my button here so your followers too
have a chance to enter the giveaway I am offering! Best of luck to all!
Much love,

Lisa said...

Hi Dorthe, I just found Suzy's blog as she stopped by my blog. Her work is truly special!

Crocus are my favorite as they reaffirm the coming of a new season...

hope all is well with you!

Lovey said...

Suzy Q is the best! I've entered too! Sure hope I win...smiles...I guess that's everyone's wish! Have a great Sunday Dorthe!! Love to you...

Paula said...

Hello my dearest Dorthe,
Thank you for sharing the link to your dear friend's blog. Her giveaway is gorgeous! I love the pretty crocuses in your garden sweetie! Thank you for sharing them! I am so glad you have some flowers blooming dear heart! I hope you have a beautiful week! Kisses! Love to you and big hugs!!! Paula xo

Anne Bente said...

ejjjjj hvor laver du mange ting, her vil jeg følge med, tak for kommentar,så jeg fandt din blog


Shari Replogle said...

Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Suzy's giveaway is beautiful! Your Crocus is gorgeous too. We are not in full spring bloom quite yet here, it is coming a little late this year.
Thank you for visiting me.

Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Dorthe,
Oh Suzi is so talented and sweet--what a fantastic giveaway!

I love the picture of your flowers beautiful.
Wishing you a wonderful week...It is always such a joy to visit here.

Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Dorthe,
Thanks so much for visiting my blog...I hope you're having a beautiful day. Sending smiles your way, dear friend!

Anonymous said...

Lovely! The chickens- purebred Auracana and Ameraucanas give blue eggs. They cross them with other breeds and you get Easter Eggers, that typically lay blue-green eggs. Two of mine were blue- one lighter, but aqua blue. The one I have left lays light mossy green eggs. At farm shops, you'll see them selling Auracanas, but they're really Easter Eggers, becuase the other ones are pricey and have to be bought from a real breeder. Get some!!

Barbara Jean said...

Oh thank you for telling us about giveaway. He things are wonderful! Heading right over!

barbara jean