Sunday, March 20, 2011



Today I am linking up to Rebecca`s  Studio sunday  ,showing a few photoes from my surroundings that inspire me dayly to create, little things like this newly finished
lavender mini pillow-

Just yesterday I saw this  (we call it Christmas Rose) little white beauty in my garten

and all over those sweet little ones are saying hello

Se that long piece of wood ,that my husbond rescued from the sea-12 m long-
I think it is a very beautifull ,and inspirational sight.

Old books I just found last week in Copenhagen -only 2 dollars-which is extreamly cheap here in DK.

And then all over my house ,little collections of all kind-sorry for the pot-we were cooking!

And here from my sitting room--Liz do you recognice that sweet pitcher you gave me?
 Tina your box- and Lisa, your sweet old angels ?

A wonderfull drawing of a danish  actress

All those things, and many more help me create- little pieces like this one card.
Some dayes you have to look a bit more for inspiration,than others- but all the time it is there just in front of me-only waiting to be catched.

I hope you all find inspiration to create something ,today,too-
a little art piece- a wonderfull dinner- making beauty in your homes......
Have a gorgeus day, all

Sunshine hugs and love from


Sandies' Patch said...

Hello, lovely post!
What was cooking in the pot?!Something deliscious?
The card is beautiful, I feel inspired to create now.
Thank you for sharing.

Sandie xx

Anonymous said...

There is something about a pile of wood that is always so enchanting to look at, I like photographing them too. That is some log! Your kitchen is charming, love that blue cupboard with the jars of goodies and the painting on the side and I see one of your driftwood creations too. Beautiful work as always Dorthe. xox Corrine

suziqu's thread works said...

Happy Days in your home with warmth, colour and the special things which fill your heart with inspiration! Stacks of wood for warm fires and little Christmas roses bringing cheer.
Have a Sunny Sunday Dorthe,
Much love, Suzy

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Good Morning Dorthe,
It's wonderful seeing your kitchen and corners of your livingroom! I love the coziness and warmth of your home. You have some wonderful collections.
I find so much inspiration from you and other artists here in blogland.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts.


Rebecca said...

Good Morning Dorthe
This is such a lovely post - thank you so much for linking up. I love your kitchen it looks so cozy! It is so wonderful all the beautiful things that inspire us and give us joy. You are always an inspiration in my life, thank you

Claudia said...

I love all your photos, Dorthe. Your home is lovely! All those touches must inspire you every day.


Paula said...

Dear sweet Dorthe,

I loved seeing the beautiful flowers in your garden and the wonderful long piece of wood your husband rescued! It is so very beautiful where you live! It was wonderful to see your beautiful home too! Your kitchen is so charming and welcoming! I love the old books you found, and such good prices too! The vignette in your sitting room is beautiful! I love the old drawing, she is quite pretty and your new creation is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing all the beauty you are surrounded by and your lovely creation! You are so inspiring my sweet friend! Have a gorgeous day too! Love and hugs, Paula

Joanne Huffman said...

You are surrounded by lovely bits of inspiration.

Diane said...

Dorthe--great little tidbits of inspiration--great post!!

My Vintage Studio said...

Dear Friend,
Wishing you a wonderful Sunday with family and friends!
Hugs, Sharon

Minna Perälä said...

Oh how beautiful little spring flowers you have in your yard. In Finland the snow keeps coming. I wonder will it ever stop.

I love your home decoration and all the beautiful things you have collected. Very inspiring!
And that great driftwood...How lucky you are :))

Have a nice sunday!

Rhonda said...

Oh, you inspired me for sure. I needed to see this post today! Thank you so much Dorthe.

Have a wonderful day!

Valerie said...

Hello Dorthe

I love the mini pillow. I'ts so cute!
I love old books too, they're nice to decorate with.
Your kitchen looks so warm and welcoming.
The card is beautiful!


Marlynn said...

Dorthe, what wonderful inspirations you have surrounding you. Thank you for sharing those photos and yes, sometimes we have to look a little harder and longer for our inspirations but in the end, they are worth it. Happy Sunday to you!

Anne Lorys said...

Beautiful treasures Dorthe, that pillow is just gorgeous!

Hope you have a beautiful week ahead!

Createology said...

Dorthe you have such a lovely home and I really enjoy these photos. Have a great week ahead...

Jillayne said...

A beautiful inspired post Dorthe - love it. From the driftwood to the flowers to the delightful treasures from your friends it is wonderful to see what you look at, that inspires you to create. Wonderful!

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Hi Dorthe,
what a beautiful post! Thanks for the inpiration,dear Dorthe.
Have a wonderful day.

sharon said...

I see why now your creations are so beautiful! You surround yourself with beautiful things and your home is so lovely Dorthe! Thank you for sharing and your beautiful words to me!

Sugar Lump Studios said...

what a beautiful home you have and I love the gorgeous projects. I adore that cupboard (the blue one) in the photo...precious. It looks like spring has sprung there - the snow is gone here but still waiting for the ice on the lake to melt...then maybe the flowers will start to bloom! Hugs to you!

Shabby Cottage Studio said...

Oh Dorthe, I think you must live in such a magical place! Your home looks so warm and inviting and I see now that the inspriation that surrounds you translates to your beautiful art.

My Creative House said...

Dorthe your lavender pillow is so sweet and I'm sure it smells nice, også et fint kort du har fået lavet, dejlige biller fra hus og have søde, vi snakkes ved.
Knus Anni

Alexandra said...

Es wird Frühling :)Deine Christrose ist wunderschön. Meine blühen auch und bei dem Wetter macht es wieder richtig Spaß im Garten zu arbeiten.
Klasse Bilder Dorthe und dein Kissen ist ein Traum es ist so zauberhaft geworden. Dein Papercollage ist auch stunning :)
Ich wünsche dir was du Liebe.
Hugs Alexandra

Abi said...

I love the images - the Christmas Rose is beautiful, and I love your kitchen!
Hope you have a wonderful week :O)

Sanja said...

hallo Dorthe,
wunderschöne blog plost. dein mini kissen ist wirklich zauberhaft.:-)

Liebe Grüße
Sanja xox

Anonymous said...

Dear Dorthe,
Love seeing photos of your surroundings. Love your kitchen. Sending love and hugs.

Anonymous said...

Dorthe, I'm just catching up! It's been a busy week for me...and a timely one after reading Jillayne's post today! I know you will relate to it! Some days are very busy but I try several times a week to visit with my good friends or to email with them. Blogging has become so special to me - because of people like you!
Thank you for the little peek into your home. It is TRULY what I envisioned it to look like, a comfy Danish cottage, welcoming just like you.
I love the pillow!! The flower is exquisite and so is the embroidery. And the flower in the last photo is lovely too! Don't you just love making all of the layers and textures!
I hope you have a nice day, warm and cozy. We have a foot of snow with more coming! And lots of soup in the pantry! :-) We're snug as bugs in rugs.

Hugs and love, Diane

Hopemore Studio said...

I do really love these glimpses into your home and life Dorthe. I hope it never seems too much for you to share.

Your newest artwork is very beautiful. So glad inspiration came to your doorstep and you were there to capture it.

The French Bear said...

Hi Dorthe, I just wanted to take a moment and give you a big hug, that was such a dear and lovely comment you wrote on Jillyanne's blog. I have noticed that about you, you are always there with a kind word and your comments always make me feel so good. You are a special friend to lots of bloggers and I know why, you are so sweet...just wanted to say thanks....
Your gorgeous work and art is an inspiration, I love that you had the pot on the stove too, that's life in the midst of our blogging!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your house always looks so lovely. Mine is still kind of blank, even after a year. Ah, the inspiration will come, I guess. In the US we call those flowers Snow Drops- appropriate, don't you think?

Deborah said...

So much lovely inspiration! I really enjoyed this post.

Vicki Boster said...

Hi Dear Dorthe -
I have missed you so~~

What a delightful post - beautiful treasures that YOU treasure and a peek into your lovely home. Your kitchen is just wonderful - I love the colors!

Aren't you just SO happy to have spring flowers popping up - same here and I am thrilled. Some warm days to make me smile!

Your newest creation - the lavendar pillow is truly lovely - these are wonderful creations - they would make such wonderful gifts.

I feel like I have been gone forever - there is no place like home~~


Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Das Lavendelkissen und die Karte sind beide wunderschön, sweetie!
Deine Küche sieht sehr gemütlich aus! Was hast Du denn da gerade Leckeres gekocht :-)?
Es freut mich, dass Du so schöne und preiswerte Bücher in Kopenhagen gefunden hast.
Die Schneeglöckchen blühen hier auch und vorgestern habe ich die ersten Krokusse gesehen. Vielleicht wird es ja jetzt endlich Frühling.
Ich wünsche Dir einen sonnigen und kreativen Tag :-)!
Viele, allerliebste Grüße, mange kys og knus,

Lisa said...

So much to comment on today. I love it when you show us bits of your world. Your kitchen is just as I'd imagined. Love that hutch against the wall. Visiting other nations always reminds me how much excess we have in the US, so over the top. Maybe that's why your country is the happiest in the world. You keep it simple, right? The books you found are amazing, the illustrations & graphics beautiful. Lastly, I adore the collage with the profile on it. Very different from the work I usually see, I love the direction you went with it. Have a wonderful day sweetie.

Lululiz said...

Dorthe, there is so much around us that should inspire us every minute of the day, yet so often we are blind to these things. It is mainly due to all the wonderful bloggers I love to visit, that I now have my eyes open to the beauty to be found everywhere. Bloggers like you ;-) xxx

Viola said...

Wunderschöne Fotos, liebe Dorthe! Und sooo schön gemütlich hast Du es!
Dein Kissen ist wirklich ganz toll!

Tina Schiefer said...

Chuckled at "sorry for the pot - we were cooking"...Love it!

"Where Women Cook"

Love, love, love the hutch and plate rack. So beautiful!!!

Dortesjs said...

super skønne billeder og sikken en stor kreativitet du har