Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I`m back again, after taking my grandkid, home to mom and dad,--so just wanted to say HI-and tell I`m ok, -and starting to work again.

Today I made a packet ready to ship-
so this is a little teaser ,as I know the reciever-- a very dear friend ,here in Europe--reads my blog.

She has birthday very soon,-and I just want her packet to arrive on the day-I so hope it was not too late to post it today.

Well, it is on it`s way, and hopefully, there, very soon, :)
I hope you are all well, this wednesday,-it is already very soon week-end again,-time flyes ,far too quickly.
I had a wonderfull week- with the little sweetest girl-and misses her now-even it is good to have time for creating, again.
I wish you a wonderfull rest of the week,-all-
Love and hugs,-Dorthe


Createology said...

So very happy to have you back in Blogland. I know how bittersweet it is to spend time with the granddaughter and then return her to her mother. The birthday teaser looks very interesting...

Hopemore Studio said...

Beautiful, thoughtful birthday gifts Dorthe. So glad to hear you are spending time with the grandchildren...time is flying and to soon they will grow up.


Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hello Dorthe!
I'm glad that you enjoyed your time with the grandchildren. I'm also happy to see you back posting.

I think your friend is very fortunate to be receiving such a wonderful gift from you.


marie said...

Your packets are so pretty ~ I know your friends will love the one you're sending to her.
I'm so glad that you got to spend time with your sweet grandchild ~ the photos in your last post were so beautiful! It looks like you had a very special week.

Anonymous said...

Sweet gift for your friend, glad you had a wonderful time and are back, we missed you. xox Corrine

June said...

Your friend will be thrilled with your beeautiful artwork Dorthe! From what I can see it is just as beautiful as I would expect from your hand!!!
sending hugs

Jillayne said...

A beautiful gift Dorthe, you are so generous!
Time flies by and slips through our fingers. We have to make time and take time and enjoy all those precious things!

suziqu's thread works said...

So happy that you had such a wonderful week with Mathilde and to see that you are now back at your creative table making gorgeous gifts for a dear friend!
Much love, Suzy

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Guten Morgen, liebe Dorthe! Das sieht nach einem ganz tollen Geburtstagspäckchen aus! Mit dem Blick auf das "L" weiß ich, glaube ich, wer die glückliche Empfängerin ist :-). Sie wird bestimmt jetzt schon jubeln, wenn sie Deinen teaser sieht und mit großer Spannung auf ihren postman warten.
Viele, liebste Grüße, mange kys og knus und ich wünsche Dir einen tollen Tag, Süße :-)!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hi Dorth, so glad to see that you had a lovely visit with your sweet granddaughter. Your friend will be so happy to receive such beautiful birthday gifts. I see that you have been the recipient of some fabulous giveaways and many handmade surprises too. Best wishes and blessings upon your day. Tammy

Alba Linea said...

looks so great! wish i can be the lucky one. *smile* best wishes and a sunny day! di

Sugar Lump Studios said...

Hello Sweet Dorthe
Your friend will adore your gorgeous gift! It is just lovely! Hope you are having spring there - we have had a wonderful week of fine weather here - it finally is coming (I think)! thanks for the well wishes on my blog! Happy Thursday!

Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Dorthe,
I am so happy that you had a nice time and welcome back!!! This is going to be a beautiful surprise for someone!!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Hi dear Dorthe,
sounds like you had a wonderful time with your granddaughter.
Your Birthday teaser looks just beautiful and I'm sure your friend will love it.Have a wonderful weekend.

sharon said...

So glad you got to enjoy time with your grandchild, and thta you are back! I am sure your teaser will be a beautiful gift gift for your friend!

Rhonda said...

I agree, your packets are a wonderful experience to open.

Hugs to you sweet Dorthe - Spring is right around the corner.

Anneke said...

your friend will love these beautiful and gorgeous birthday gifts ddorthe.
you work is realy beautiful.

Anonymous said...


Draffin Bears said...

Dear Dorthe,

So glad that you had a happy time with your sweetest little girl.
Someone is going to be very thrilled and lucky receiving that gorgeous gift for her birthday.

Have a happy weekend

Beth Leintz said...

So glad you had fun with that granddaughter- and isn't it nice to have creative work to keep you busy while you miss her.

Sandy said...

Hi sweetie,

Wow wonderful gifts.
Absolutely lovely.

I wish you a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

Lisa said...

Hi friend. So glad you had a great time with your sweet girl. Loved the picture of her at the sea shore. Such a beautiful place you live. I want to see more than a peek at that gift. It looks amazing! We just returned from a camping trip with the family, such fun but I need a vacation now! Lisa

Ragamuffin Gal said...

So pretty ~ your friend will be delighted I am sure. Blessings to you sweet gal!

Terri Morse said...

Hi Dorthe! I love the old botanical print! Glad you can get back to creating! Have a great weekend! Terri

Debrina said...

Kia ora from New Zealand, Dorthe! Have you been wondering what has happened to me?? A couple of months ago, I changed my blog address to:

You will need to update your side-panel, lovely lady :-)

Unfortunately, when I changed my address, I also lost all the lovely blogs I was following! So here I am, AGAIN, trying to find everyone, lol.

Alexandra said...

Da hat sich bestimmt jemand ganz arg gefreut.

Vicki Boster said...

Dorthe - Your gifts are straight from the heart and your friend is very blessed to recieve a gift from you - a lovely gesture for your friend~~
