The beautifull dayes of christmas flew away, far too quickly, and that did the
little family too. Allthough they were here for 4 dayes, times run,run,run.
and before you can even think, we are wawing goodby again, --I miss them

But christmass decorations stayes a little longer, to be enjoyed, and to give the
beginning of the winter awaiting us, a little glow.

The beautifull glass ornaments I got before christmas as a present from dear Mette,
a sweet friend and costumer.
Her mother is making the glass, and Mette is decorating it.
Aren`t they just wonderfull.
I love them Mette,-thank`s so much for your dear gifts.

They all has a sweet text, and a bit of gold,and can be hung all the year round.
the bits and pieces, laying all around.
I hope you are all well , and that you had some wonderfull christmas dayes.
Wishing you a great monday dear friends.
Love and hugs, Dorthe
Oh Dorthe the glass ornaments are so beautiful, det var da en skøn gave at få så smukke ornamenter, jeg sidder og venter og håber at posten har en masse med til mig i dag, også dit brev Dorthe, skal nok sende dig en besked når den er her, mangler alt min julepost fra både England, Amerika og Canada, så posten må gerne forslæbe sig og levere.
De kærlig hilsen og knus Anni
Oh was sind das wunderschöne Werke.
Fantastisch liebe Dorthe.
Hi Dorthe, Hope you had a lovely Christmas! Those glass ornaments are pretty to pack away for just the holidays! xo
I am so excited over your blog site. I am a close friend of Lisa McIlvain, and have a booth accross from her at Collected Treasures.I have been an operating room nurse for 30 years. I think you are an amazing artist, and just wanted to tell you that you inspire me.
Was sind die toll, Dorthe! Einfach super schön!! Liebe Grüße! :o)
Mettes Anhänger sind sehr schön. Diese Art von Glas passt wunderbar zu den Collagen.
Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr, liebe Dorthe!
Herzliche Grüße,
I just found your blog through Carol Anne's Boutique--nice to "meet" you! Those glass ornaments are so beautiful! Does your friend have a blog, or does she sell those? They are gorgeous! Have a lovely day! Smiles, Jann
Oh sweet, I know you must miss your dear grandbabies and family!!! Christmas came and went like the wind... Such beautiful charms Dorthe, and I just love the handwriting on the glass!!! What a wonderful idea ~ I hope you are warm and cozy, and I hope your new year is wonderful and blessed!!!! hugs and love, Dawn
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