Before leaving with the ship I finished this new angel,-she is made as a present,and for a very dear friend, I hope she will soon reach her destination.

I like her alot, and will make more of the same kind, -but all different

I made lots of theese cards,that also left in braun bags.

Here is Lena, a friend for many years and a dear one too.For many,many years she has helped me on the ship, and also this week-end.We had 2 wonderfull dayes with lots of custumers, a great sale, and cosy hours with the other exhibitors.
We arrived to the island yesterday night, very tired, but happy.

It was delivered on my adress last week, send to me from Jytte,- so very very sweet of her. Thank`s so much my dear friend.
Oh also wanted to tell you all ,that Dawn from The feathered nest is having a very wonderfull giveaway, - please take a look on her so beautifull blog, and read all about it there.

Huhu Dorthe, schön, dass Du wieder da bist! :-) Dein Engel sieht wieder super aus! Und Deine doll ist toll! Die anderen Sachen natürlich auch! Liebe Grüße!
Dorthe, you do such beautiful work. I enjoyed seeing all the photos on today's posting. The bouquet is so gorgeous! How fortunate to receive such a beautiful gift.
Hi sweet Dorthe!!! Your artwork is so beautiful and your dolls are just precious!!! I hope you had a wonderful time on the ship and were able to sell so much ~ I'm sure you are tired, rest well dear friend. Thank you so much for blogging about my giveaway!!! hugs and love, Dawn
Dorthe, You have been SO busy, such wonderful works of art you have made. I hope your trip is perfect in every way.
Great angels and cards!
Es freut mich sehr, dass Du so viel Spaß auf dem Schiff hattest und gut verkauft hast! Die Karten sind super schön und auch die Engel sind wieder ganz süß! Liebe Grüße, Julia
Wow Dorthe Deine Werke sind einmalig.
Wunderschön. Ich kann mal wieder nur staunen und staunen.
Oh Dorthe I love your mixed media angel, she is amazing,dejligt for dig at du havde et godt salg om bord på skibet, dit bord ser rigtig skønt ud med alle dine fine dukker, også søde kort du har lavet, det er en rigtig hygge tid nu og jeg kan se at du har været igang, håber du har det godt og at du må have en rigtig fin uge.
De kærligste hilsner Anni
bin sicher deine freudin wird es gefallen.super schöne engel,Dorthe.
wünsche dir was
Your mixed media doll is WONDERFUL! Someone is going to have their Christmas wish come true. You dolls are so special. I'm glad you had fun on the ship, sounded amazing when you posted about it. Lisa
Hi Dorthe!
I saw your post on my blog and all three of those tag sets are still available in my Etsy store on the first page
If you go ahead and purchase them through Etsy but don't pay for them I can then send you a corrected invoice with the correct shipping to you. If this won't work for you let me know. I'm glad you like them!
Hi Dorthe, You are so sweet to check up on are a dear, dear, friend. We are back from our trip to the Bahamas and I have been busy getting ready for my final surgery which is scheduled tomorrow. I am dreading another surgery, this is the fifth one this year. However, I am also happy that is the last one.
Your Altered angel doll is so beautiful - you have an amazing talent. I so wish I could have attended the sale - so many beautiful things.
The little angel ornaments are so sweet - beautiful, my friend, beautiful.
Thank you for thinking warm thoughts of welcome and comforting. xo - Julie
Hei og god aften min venn, tusen takk for hyggelige kommentarer:) Nå er det en god stund siden jeg hadde tid til å se på din flotte blogg, og ikke minst alt det vakre du lager! Nydelig og kunsnerisk utført, engelen her var bare så skønn.
Jeg hadde en helt fantastisk salgsutstilling forrige weekend, så jeg svever på skyer enda;)) Moro når ting man laver blir godt mottatt!
Nå begynner jeg å føle på julestemningen, til tross for mildt og regnfullt vær!
I morgen sender jeg avsted en liten hilsen til deg, tenker du har den om et par dager.
Ha en flott aften videre Dorthe!
Klem fra Inger Bente!
Ohhh Dorthe you have been so busy with all those little angels you made. They are all so beautiful .
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