When seeing this very tiny doll, put to sleep, in her beautifull "bed"
I had to have her.
in HER SHOP , and I just "ran" to purchase this little wonder.
(sorry the pictures is a bit too light?

Look at this beauty ,-and I love the words ,together with this peacefull expression.

She will be with me for ever, dear Nellie--thankyou so much.
Thought I would show you my first decoration this year.
Seems I`m too bussy the last years to do something for in my home, untill we are long into December.
Here is a simpel decorated candle, on my dinnertable

And next to that, a white urn, with a white moss ball on top.
I had bought the moss many years ago, and now it was time to use it.
It is laid around a ball, and fastened with silver drath.

On top of the ball I placed a beautifull bird, made of Heather
Pretty Petals it is so lovely.

The wonderfull flowers, I got last spring ,from a very sweet costumer.
They have been used in many ballets in The Royal Theatre in Copenhagen.
And the big one here ,has been used in the Swan sea ballet.
Isn`t it fantastic? I´m only using them for special occations.

It is still not winter here, very warm for december,
------so strange.
Well I guess it will arrive this year too.
Wishing you all dear friends a wonderfull day, and evening.
Thanks so very much for every lovely and sweet comment on my blog.
Makes me happy.
xoxoxo Dorthe