With christmass soon to be here, I`m working very hard on my angels and other dolls
like thise two beauties, that with all their sisters ,will soon be for sale.
coming very soon.

This chandelier,that I love, is french ,and hanging in my privat, it is for the moment being
dressed up with Soldered charms from many of my blogging friends, and some made of me.
Soldering is something I hope to do more of after christmass.
I hope you will have a great monday, -here the weather is kind of rainy,and foggy, -a great weather to create inside.
Hugs and love
Deine Engel sind wieder soooo klasse, Dorthe! Super schön!! Und Dein Leuchter gefällt mir auch sehr! :-)
Wunderschöne Kreatione Dorthe!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, Dorthe! It looks like you live in an enchanted world... Hugs, Silke
The doll is so gorgeous, Dorthe. Very elegant. And the chandelier is also very elegant.
Dear Dorthe, Your angels are very sweet and the white outfits are beautiful! Have a wonderful week!Hugs, Julia
Another fantastic doll from your hand Dorthe - ja kan godt forstå du har travlt, du må være klar til al julehandel og dine dukker som er så unik et stykke kunst kræver en masse arbejde, husk nu at slappe af ind imellem kære Dorthe, ha en rigtig god uge.
I love your angels sweet Dorthe!! They have such peaceful looks on their faces ~ and the charms hanging from the chandelier are so beautiful, what a wonderful idea ~ I hope you are doing great my dear friend and that your week is a wonderful one ~ hugs and love, Dawn
Hello my friend Dorthe, I hope you had a lovely day inside creating more of your beautiful angel dolls - they are remarkable such sweet faces.
The chandelier is unlike any I have ever seen - the added soldered charms will be perfect - I need to solder more myself - thanks for the inspiration.
Yesterday, I went for a jog/walk on a nature trail it was sunny and warm here so I had to get outside a bit. I am feeling stronger each day...
Spent some time in the studio making jewelry I'll post some photos today of what was made.
xoxo Julie
so lovely! and talented. pls tell your friend T , who is also from Denamrk,that her art is in the mail and could she pls contact me when it arrives
Hi Dorthe! Your dolls are darling and your chandelier with soldered charms looks great too! Don't you just love soldering? Me too!
Sheila from Mt.Angel
Hello dorthe, thanks so much for your comment. I have been unwell but taking things easy so improving each day :)
Your christmas angels are looking so beautiful. You are such a clever crafting lady ... beautiful dolls !!! I love them
hugz June xxxx
What sweet faces on your angels! Thanks for visiting my blog. Enjoy making your Christmas creations and I will keep checking back to see you new things! Take care, Martha
Dorthe, thanks for your lovely comment on my barn watercolor. I appreciate any encouragement I get.
Underbara änglar Dorthe!Hoppas du får lite tid för vila ochså.Kram Ingrid
Hi Dorthe, Oh, I just love your Christmas angels, they are absolutely stunning!! They have the prettiest & sweetest faces! What a fabulous chandelier...the soldered charms look gorgeous hanging on it! You are so creative Dorthe!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog to see the book I am making! Your very lovely and kind words have brightened my day so much!
Have a great weekend~
Hugs, Carol Anne
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