One of the last roses bluming in front of the shop,I think it is so gorgeus.
9 of my dolls now are to see in two big glass montre`s.
I tryed to take some beautifull pictures ,but as I`m not pro with a camera, and as I had so much
ligt behind the one glass montre, they are not realy good,but I guess you will get an idea.

living in the wood together, enjoying the compagni, and restfull
from the sea, are joining together
for a cosy meeting.

Nymphs and mermaids together.
Hope you are having a wonderfull week-end dear friends.
Thanks so much for lovely comments ,
it alwayes makes me very happy.
Hugs and love
Hello Dorthe, your dolls are so beautiful! Thankyou for visiting my blog. You are entered to win the give-away. So nice to meet you!
Oh, Dorthe, I love, love, love your beautiful dolls and to see them all together like that is a special treat!! Wonderful! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!! Love, Silke
Dorthe!!! They look so HAPPY!!! And so wonderful displayed by one another ~ each is beautiful in its own way....I know they will be enjoyed by so many ~ hugs and love, Dawn
I think your dolls are adorable.
Your dolls are all beautiful!
I adore the 2 in the 3rd picture. I love the sweet doll with the crown and tattered black socks, and the other with buttons in her braids...soooo cute. I really do love your dolls. Lisa
Wow wonderful exibition, hvor ser din udstilling godt ud Dorthe, kan se du har gjort et flot arbejde med at finde tilbehør der passer, håber at du høre en masse godt om dine skønne dukker, godt de er bag glas så pilfingre ikke kan røre (jeg høre til dem der ser bedst med fingerne, MÅ bare røre), håber at du har en dejlig weekend.
De kærligste hilsner Anni
Boah, das sieht fantastisch aus! Deine dolls kommen so toll zur Wirkung! Traumhaft, Dorthe!! Wünsche Dir eine wunderschöne kreative Woche, meine Liebe! :-)
They are wonderful!
Hi Dorthe, It's so nice to see so many of your gorgeous dolls at once. I love all of them. They are displayed wonderfully and I'm sure that the exhibition will be a great success! Hugs, Julia :-)
Oh my gosh, I adore the doll with the crown!!! How beautiful!
You are so talented!
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