Some week ago I recieved a new reward : The Honest Scrap Award from
Lisa is a new blogger, and a wonderfull artist, that I`m happy to "know".
Her blog is a great place to visit, which I do every time she have news to show.
well I guess I have to try telling some honest stuff about myself.
1)I`m a grandmother that are almost too much in love with my two grandchildren
(if that is possible)
2) I`m a terrible collector of EVERYTHING -my husbond sayes-
3)I try eating healthy food, but love sauce
4)look here:my best meal is sliced roasted pork with white parsly sauce, uhhhm
5) I`m afraid of the big water, and do not swimm,and don`t go to the beach in sommertime to get suntanned.
6) I`m a very soft woman,that often are too sensitive,and therefore often
letting myself being hurt from things that realy don`nt matter
7) I`m spending far too much time on my computer,wisiting all you wonderfull bloggers
(Sayes my husbond)
8) Since little girl I have been afraid of the darckness-,trying to work on that
9)My faworite flowers are roses, and I`m having one from each of my best
friends and my sisters,in my garden,that all were
birthday wishes.
10)I got a new and wonderfull life,when started blogging, it has given me so
many wonderfull friends and houers of beauty and fun,
Thanks for that all of you out there.
I know that I now ought to place this award on to 10 new bloggers, but as I
find it very difficult choosing I will just ask everyone, What would be your 10
honest answers if being asked?????
Wishing you all a wonderfull Tuesday
Can`t wait to wisit you again.