In Australia lives a danish (bornholmsk) woman--Bente Wright- that many years agowhen wisiting her sister---still living here on the island--- found out that I was -like her- making dolls- and therefore wanted to wisit me in my shop.Ofcourse we talked and exchanged adresses. And on my next birthday I recieved a beautifull doll from Bente. She lives in my bedroom, and have since recieved sisters almost every year from Bente to keep her compagni.And naturally there have been flying dolls the way back to Australia from here.
Here is the wonderfull fairy I found when opening the packet today.Look how beautifull she is made-the mirrow and all. Thankyou so very much Bente, she is wonderfull dear.

I took more pictures of this lovely fairy, but they were very blurry.

Another wonderfull gift I recieved the other day is two old books.It was again my dear friend Christoph from Køln-Germany (a collector of old books)that when visiting a flee-market here ,found these two treasures to me.the two text-pages comes from a book with collections of lots of different handwriting ,ready to be used in pictures.

This is also blurry, excuse me.

And then look here, -do you see what this is ? Old sledges and spools from a loom
the spools still with thread of gold and silk

This wonderfull gift Anette -the wife of Christoph- and dear friend brought me
from Germany. look at the wonder of all this.

Thankyou so much ,
Vielen dank beide , es is so schöne geschenke.

Wishing you all dear friends a wonderfull evening
Wonderful gifts...I love the writing in the book.
I hope the weather is improving for you :)
Here it is rain, rain and more rain.
Oh, Dorthe, you lucky, lucky woman! You have such wonderful friends to send you packages with such incredible surprises. The doll is stunning and all the lovely old things from Germany are incredible! Maybe I'll have to visit a flea market next time I visit! Your blog is always a source of such beauty!! Hugs, Silke
Dear Dorthe, what beautiful gifts!!! Your friends are so sweet to you, and you deserve each and every thing! The books are so beautiful...and the handwriting! hugs and love sweet friend, Dawn
Wundervolle Geschenke!!!
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