Thought I would show you my new ATC `s -if anyone would like to trade ,please write me here or on my mail.adr.
money can get the most wonderfull immages to use in your art.

I then used lots of bits and pieces, stamps, and old musik sheets pieces.
Butterflyes on my Butterfly buch----picture taken yesterday -they will soon not be here anymore this year, as autum are approaching.
Today it is cloudy, and not so warm.I`m going to sew some dolls--
Wishing all of you a lovely monday.
XOXO Dorthe
Each is so beautiful dear Dorthe!! Such lovely work, I love the use of fabrics and lace ~ some of my favorite things...Wishing you a wonderful week sweet friend, xxoo, Dawn
Your ATC is so wonderful Dorthe, fantastic to see so fine detail you have on them. Tak Dorthe for dine søde ord og tanker, ja der er meget at tænke på lige nu, skal til København igen på onsdag til begravelsen.
Kærlig hilsen Anni
Dear Dorthe, First of all - what a view you've got right down to the ocean! Beautiful!!
And your ATC's are gorgeous! When I look at your art, mine always seems a little boring to me - all the materials you use and the end result is so harmonious!
Hugs, Silke
Dorthe, your ATCs are lovely...i love the little snippets of fabric and lace that you use, very pretty...what a gorgeous view of the sea you have, it must be so nice to live there!!!
Dorthe - Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind comments and BIG thank you for opening the door to find your blog - I LOVE your work it's sensational. I can't wait to browse the entire blog to see more of your work. Such a happy pastime....thank you, thank you, thank you......blessings - Julie
I am amazed by your lovely ATC's so much in such a small space.
Thank you for your comments on my blog...I have been a little behind lately...still have slight eye problem with makes reading difficult.
I am catching up when I and read some more :)
Dorthe, how talented your are! Your mixed media ATCs are lovely. I have a butterfly bush too and the butterflies really love it.
Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving the nice comments.
those ATC are gorgeous !!
dorthe, if you want i will make some atc's (halloween) soon, maybe with lace, but no sewing, let me know if you would like to trade.. regards..Px
Fabulous ATC's!!
Tolle ATCs! Alle soooo schööön!!
I love your ATCs and everything else! I joined KC Willis workshop and really enjoyed it. You are so lucky to own her work. Thank you for commenting on my blog. I will be adding you to my blogroll. I LOVE it!
I LOVE the ATCs and your blog! I will add you to my blogroll and visit often. Thanks for your kind comment on mine. How lucky you are to own a piece of KC Willis art. I took her workshop - Awesome!
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