Wishing you all a happy christmas with
this jolly "old" nisse (danish for elf).
I want to say thanks to everyone in and
outside blogland , who have taken part
in my blogging. It has been a wonderfull
experiense, meeting sweet and fantastic
people through this land of blogging, from
all over the world. I have found wonderfull
friendships with persons i admire very
much, for their art, and the way they are.
Thank you dear friends .
But all this would not have happened
if it was `nt for my dear friend Tina
She gave me the best present ever last
christmas: a finished blog ready for posting.
Thank you Tina so very much,
It was so much more than a present. It
has filled my life with lots of beauty, wonderfull
persons and experienses.

This are some of Tinas wonderfull
bears,they are
realy sweet and beautifully made.
Happy christmas everyone
Hugs Dorthe
Your Danish elf is really adorable and unique! You are very talented!
He is Charming! Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Sandra Evertson
Merry Christmas, Dorthe! And all the best for the new year! :o)
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