Wishing you all a happy christmas with
this jolly "old" nisse (danish for elf).
I want to say thanks to everyone in and
outside blogland , who have taken part
in my blogging. It has been a wonderfull
experiense, meeting sweet and fantastic
people through this land of blogging, from
all over the world. I have found wonderfull
friendships with persons i admire very
much, for their art, and the way they are.
Thank you dear friends .
But all this would not have happened
if it was `nt for my dear friend Tina
http://www.tinybear-dk.blogspot.com/She gave me the best present ever last
christmas: a finished blog ready for posting.
Thank you Tina so very much,
It was so much more than a present. It
has filled my life with lots of beauty, wonderfull
persons and experienses.

This are some of Tinas wonderfull
bears,they are
realy sweet and beautifully made.
Happy christmas everyone
Hugs Dorthe