Wednesday, June 20, 2012


This pin cussion ,made on an old mini candle holder of wood,
I first painted white, and then distressed it a bit. The flowers are totally wrong colour in my photo, not at all yellow, but the light cheated on me.

It was made for a dear friend for her birthday.

And this collage card as well,as I showed you already once before.

This is a note book, also made as a gift to someone dear.
I used the beautiful old blue embroideries ,and some old laces-

The flower is a dried Orchid  from my kitchen-It looks wonderful under tulle.

And one of my witches ,this year for Sct. Hans  (Midsummer party)
Please click the photo to see her properly.

She wears a very big witch hat, and  is app. 30 cm. long
She is now in my shop, waiting for someone to love her!

How are you all,dear friends? I hope life is wonderful, and that you are enjoying the time of year, where you are living... Summer is still not really here, such a strange year weather-like-
I wish you all a good rest of the week- thankyou to all whom visits to read my blog, and to all commenting to me. It means so very much to me.

Please someone tell me if my Google Friends connect is still to see on my blog? AS I  still can`t se it !!

Wish you happines and send you hugs and love.


Lululiz said...
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Createology said...
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Hopemore Studio said...
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morkaren said...
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Sandy said...
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My Creative House said...
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Bente said...
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Mosaic Magpie said...
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Mom E. said...
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Kimberly at ArtJoyStuff said...
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Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...
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sharon said...
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nelly said...
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JansArtyJunk said...
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blackenpot said...
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Vicki Boster said...
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suziqu's thread works said...

Good morning my dear friend!
These creations are nothing less than superb. Your pincushion looks so stately upon that candelholder and yet so delicate.
Love your lacey card with the charlotte mould and the dear little notebook with the orchid from your kitchen - so pretty.
But the masterpiece is your stunning witch - her dress is simply amazing in lacey blacks and love that spider web she shows.
No wonder you inspire us the way you do!
Hoping for some warm sunny days for you my dear friend far away while we are in the depths of winter.
biggest hugs and love,
Suzy xox

PS Thank you again for your lovely comment about my new blog look sweetie!

Robin said...

Beautiful creations Dorthe! I love the witch, but couldn't find her in your shop, she must have sold all ready. Hope you are having a great week.


Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Hi sweet friend, You've been so busy and created some more gorgeous things. Everyone who will receive one of those gifts will be very happy. It shouldn't take long until the cute witch will be gone. Her outfit is aweseome and you know that I always love the sweet faces you paint!
Have a wonderful weekend, my dear Dorthe :-)!
Big hugs og mange kys,

Sandy said...

Ok Sweetie I will write with pleasure again ;)
Your cushion is a dream. Absolutely devine. I´ve made at the moment 3 cushions also in a tea cup. I hope mine will also so beautiful.
Thanks for this inspiration sweetie.
Big Hugs and smiles to you.

Lisa Graham said...

Your witch doll is so adorable Dorthe...she has your artist's signature all over her charming sweet face. And the shoes! Love them. Your notebook creation is very pretty too.

~*~Patty S said...

So much beautiful creativity in your world and with your talented hands dear Dorthe

I wonder how much you sleep each night ;)

thank you for sharing so much eye candy and inspiration!!!

Lynn said...

Love your creations Dorthe, especially the pin cushion, but I really like the witch too, and the others, heck, I love them all :)
Have a great weekend.

Createology said...

Dorthe Dear absolutely everything you create is amazing, beautiful and has your unique style. I love it all!

Viola said...

Wieder tolle Kreationen, liebe Dorthe! Eine schöner wie die andere!!
Alles Gute nochmal!! Ganz liebe Grüße, Viola :)

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

I still can't believe that the gorgeous pincushion is mine:)You alwways create from the heart dear friend.
Have a lovely day.