Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hi all dear friends, --we are allone here again,and I thought I would show you a collage I made some weeks ago,-and also a fantastic surprice I recieved with the post.
But first my collage..
as you can see I used lots of old laces and a beautiful angel image.

I covered it with a piece of mica, sewing it on with the mashine.
I also used old papers, tea bag,- and my loved skeleton leaves, in the button right corner.

isent it beautifully packed?

It came from dear SONYA,  of  COUNTING MY BLESSINGS---totally out of the blue, as a bloglove gift.And I am so in love with both creations, and feel so blessed recieving such  gorgeous art pieces, just like that!

Inside the wonderful paperbag, was this stunning card, which my photo does not do justice- as it is a totally beautiful shimmer of the glitter Sonya used, and you can`t see that the angel is standing out from the background, and all the lovely flowers.

Inside the packet was this -I did not believe my eyes- beautiful collaged piece- in the most pretty romantic colours, the rose that Sonya made herself, and the sweet little charms.

I so love it, and also that it hangs from a dryed branch. If you click the photo you can read the text, that have a special meaning for dear Sonya, that I`m now sharing. Isen`t it the most fabolous piece,-I think it is!
Thankyou dearest Sonya from my heart, you made me feel so happy and blessed sweet friend.
The collage in on my door to my private room- hanging on the outside- (and inside is one of Suzy`s beautiful collages.)

I`m sure many,many of you know Sonya, but if not- go visit her lovely blog-just click her name above.

Now this is also goodies- --goodies I found over at another dear friends ETSY SHOP---LIZ  from 
have lots of wonderful things for sale in her shop ,and this french tags I had to have.

Sweet as Liz is , she also made me a beautiful tag, --as a matter of fact done on the back of one of the same tags I bought  :) 
I love this Marie Antoinette picture , and the lovliest laces ,Liz used .

and she even send me those beautiful flower ribbon and the old lovely tulle ribbon-
Dearest Liz, I love it all, and your tag is hanging here in my room,--thankyou so much sweet friend.

If you click this last photo you can read the adress of Liz`s wonderful Etsy shop---go take a look ,---there are new goodies for sale very often.

Here winter has arrived-- not so much with snow, but it is so very cold, and therefore wonderful to stay inside creating, which I will do the coming months .
I hope you are all well, --thankyou for your beautiful comments, they are deeply apriciated-
and welcome to new followers, thankyou all for being here :)

I send you smiles, and
hugs and love.


suziqu's thread works said...

My Dear Sweet Friend
That is an amazing winged angel collage covered in mica with your skeleton leaves so special to your creations.
And how lucky to receive Sonya's pre-raphaelite collage hanging on that wood - one of my favourite artists and to be hanging so close to the one from me also!
Now I have to visit Liz's fabulous Etsy shop - she has the most interesting items and is a wonderful person too.
Hope you don't miss Mathilde toooo much this week - at least you can create a lovely birthday creation for her.
Sending you blessed thoughts of love and kindness,
yours, Suzy xoxox

morkaren said...

Kære Dorte, der er altid så mange skønne finurlige ting at kikke på, på din blog, så det nyder jeg. knus morkaren.

Suztats said...

What wonderful goodies you've received, Dorthe, to adorn your special places.
Your collage is beautiful with all the layers and lace.

Anneke said...

you made such a beautiful fabric creation with so many layers of awesome lace.
it looks so precious.
and i see you got a lot of beautiful gifts aswell.
hugs from a very cold netherlands

The Feathered Nest said...

Hello dear Dorthe!! I imagine the house is quiet now with your little angel back home ~ I know you had the best time with your sweet granddaughter!!! Your collage is simply breathtaking, I LOVE IT!!! and the gifts are all so very beautiful...I can't think of another person more deserving ~ thank you for sharing the etsy store too, I will pay her a visit! Sending you hugs and love sweet friend, Dawn

Sandies' Patch said...

Oh what treasures you recieved in the post!
Lucky lady!

Sandie xx

marie said...

So life is back to normal for you....I hope you had a wonderful time with Mathilde!

Your collage is so put bits and pieces of lace together in such a magical way.

I love the treasures you received in the mail - the piece from Sonya is stunning. Hanging it from the branch was a lovely touch.

Thanks for sharing the blog links....I'm off to visit them now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dorthe! Your creation is beautiful and so is your lovely gift from Sonya! Just stunning and gorgeous. I love Lulu's goodies too. Maybe one day I will be able to shop at all my favorite ladies stores! They are all so creative.

So glad Mathilde came to visit. She is a beautiful little girl. I hope you had a good time playing and creating and just being with her!

You take care, hugs, Sherri

sharon said...

Your creation is so wonderful Dorthe, and how you include so much of nature all the time....just gorgeous with the laces and leaf!
Also, thanks so much for inspiring me with all your blog gifts and their shops!

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Dorthe,

So many beautiful gifts, you gave and received and I am always amazed at the talent of you and so many out there.
Hope that you enjoyed your special time with Mathilde.
Many thanks for visiting me and your kind words.

Happy February

JoAnne said...

Wow Dorthe-that entire post was gorgeousness overload! Love your collage!

Sonya Badgley said...

Dear Dorthe,
You are sooo very welcome, dear friend! You deserve them! The photos you took are beautiful!
And I just love Liz's shoppe! She has such wonderful treasures for sale. Her tag is gorgeous and so is the ribbons.
Thank you for sharing your gifts on your blog.
Love and hugs,

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Good morning, my dear Dorthe! Your collage is very beautiful. I certainly love the colors and the laces but also the other elements like the feather, the piece of mica and and the skeleton leaf.
You've received such wonderful gifts and purchases. Enjoy, sweetie!
Am Freitag und Samstag hat es hier geschneit, aber zum Glück nur ganz wenig. Heute morgen sollen es -9 Grad sein. Brrrrrr. Da bleibe ich doch zum Hause und lege mir Cecil auf den Schoß :-).
Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen, kreativen Tag!
Allerliebste Grüße und mange kys og knus,

Sandy said...

Welcome back my dear Dorthe. I hope you have a lovely time with your granddaughter.

Your fabric page is brilliant. So many lovely lovely details. I love them. And you again a lucky girl sweetie.
Wonderful gifts from your friend. Enjoy them.

Have a lovely lovely day my dear friend. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Wonferdul! I love mica! Enjoy your week!

Emilie said...

Kære Dorthe.

Smukke, smukke gaver du har modtaget! Du må føle dig helt overvældet.
Din egen collage er virkelig også smuk. Som altid bruger du en masse spændende og yndige materialer og sætter det sammen på flotteste vis.

Jeg håber, du har haft en vidunderlig uge med dit barnebarn?

Knus, Emilie

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Welcome back,dear Dorthe.Your new collage is absolutely beautiful!
Love all the elements you used.
The gifts from dear Sonya are also very beautiful.Enjoy your treasures and have a wonderful day.Keep warm.

Diane said...

Dorthe--your collage is simply stunning--I love all of the elements that you used to create this--well done!
And Sonya's gift is wonderful--you have very talented artist friends out there!
P.S. Welcome back!!

June said...

Hello dearest Dorthe,
First I have to tell you what a little beauty your Mathilde is. I imagine you had the best time with her...she is a little doll!
I love your newest collage. It is gorgeous!!! I love that beautiful angel image that you used and all the beautiful elements and textures in it.
Sonya's gifts are a feast for the eyes. Her collage is precious.
You have received some pretty things lately and I loved them all.
I hope you have a wonderful day creating beautiful things :)
hugs from me...

Lululiz said...

Is the house very quiet now without the lovely young lady running around? I am sure you had the most wonderful time with her.
What can I say about the beautiful collages, both yours and Sonya's, which hasn't been said already? They are so gorgeous, all those fabulous little touches, the wonderful embellishments, you can look at them for ages and be soothed by them. Sonya is such a generous person.
Thank you so much for mentioning my Etsy shop as well, that was really sweet of you.
Big hugs to you xxx

Bente said...

Så nydelig collage du har laget.
Gaven var også fantastisk.

Klem Bente

Unknown said...

i just ADORE your newest collage dorthe. i so treasure the one you made for me! And those gifts you received are all so lovely! You are well-loved dearest! ;)

Lisa said...

I love it when you use the skeleton leaves. We don't have good ones here. I never tried sewing on mica but it looks wonderful. Another beautiful creation from you! Sonya is just the sweetest & I love her blog. What amazing gifts for you!
I'll bet it's quiet around there now!

Mosaic Magpie said...

I hope your week was wonderful with your precious grand daughter. The collage is beautiful and I did not know that you could stitch Mica on the sewing machine. I have learned something new from visit here today! Love the image you used too!


Rhonda said...

We missed you, sweet Dorthe. So happy to see your post!

I adore your gifts, they are so pretty, my jaw dropped. Took my breath away.

And that Liz, her art tags are so so wonderful. Isn't she the sweetest?

xo Rhonda

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh WOW, I love your collage and your fabulous gifts from our two special friends who are also amazing and so filled with creativity and love!!!! (((hugs))) from me,

Martina said...

What wonderful gifts you've received, dear Dorthe! What kind of generous and talented friends you have!

Wish you a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

Your collage is so so beautiful - I just love it. xox Corrine

Sugar Lump Studios said...

Your collage is just gorgeous Dorthe! I love all the sweet details! I also love the goodies you received from your friends! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Carole said...

Yes I clicked on the images just before you mentioned it and it's wonderful to see the details. You receive the most wonderful gifts. I don't know how you find the time to create so much. You are one busy girl.


Alisa Noble said...

Your collage is so pretty, Dorthe! I like how you used the mica.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Your collage is really lovely, Dorthe...and such sweet goodies in the mail, too! Fun! Thanks so much for your sweet comment about my entryway reveal!

Unknown said...

I just found your blog from JoAnnas connection. Love all the great art and creations. I have those little bags and never thought about makign envelopes out tof them. That is such a great idea. You can find me at

My Creative House said...

Dearest Dorthe your new collage is so beautiful, love the angel and the lace, you have received some very wonderful things from your friends, thanks for the wonderful day we spent together in Copenhagen.
Hugs and love

Gaby Bee said...

You lucky've received really wonderful goodies!

Your collage is gorgeous, Dorthe. Love all the layering and how you have put all the beautiful elements together. Simply perfect!

Have a lovely weekend!

Vicki Boster said...

Hi Dorthe-
I'm sure you had a wonderful week with your sweet grand daughter--- but then I know it's always nice to get your quiet house back!!

I've been hearing how cold it is for you there--- so glad you are staying in with your crafts. Your newest ones are perfectly lovely-- how you mix those textures has always intrigued me so--

Beautiful gifts from your friend Sonya- and your purchases from sweet Liz are lovely as well ( love her so much too!)

Take care- stay warm---


Jann said...

Wonderful post, Dorthe! I love EVERYTHING you wrote about and the photos!

Saints and Apostles said...

Dear Dorthe
First of all, I so love your creations and I love the colour scheme. The old lacy bits... love! Secondly - don't you just have the most precious blogger friends?! It is so amazing to receive surprise gifts like that and your gift from Sonya looks just gorgeous (and what a lovely lovely wrapping!!). And I love your Etsy purchase, those tags are brilliant. I bet there will be many great projects made with those! And again, the little extra things on the side just perfects the Etsy buying experience doesn't it! What a goody post! :-)
Ha' en skøn søndag Dorthe, og tusind tak for dine søde ord!
Knus fra Joan

Rebecca said...

You are loved my friend... and rightly so.

Titti said...

That do you do is veri great!
This mi blog
Bye Titti

Marlynn said...

Oh my, dear friend, your collage is fantastic. I love your angel and what you have done. You are an incredible artist and an inspiration! Hugs

Evi said...

Dearest Dorthe,
I love your collage...and here I thought you too were hibernating like me. You have been busy!
I love all the charming gifts you got from your friends, How sweet is that !!!!!!!
Many hugs, dear friend,
have a great week, Evi

Jill Marcott-McCall ~Feathers & Flight~ said...

Dear Dorthe
What a Wonderful End to a Perfect week with your Granddaughter!Your Piece is So Lovely and I Love the Mica. Just Gorgeous! And the Surprise in the Mail from Sonya Gorgeous as Well! I Have to have a Peek at Liz's Etsy Store!Thank You for Sharing!

Guriana said...

I love your collage!! many layers... and gifts you recived:))


Viola said...

Hier bin ich endlich, hihi! Deine Collage ist wieder super schön, Süße!
Und Du hast wieder tolle Sachen bekommen! Viel Spaß damit!!

Lynne Moncrieff said...

I am in awe. Sitting here studying your collage it makes me want to become so much better at what I try to do. Your eye for colour, detail and composition is remarkable.
Your gifts from your friend are so special but she sends because you are special to her.