Saturday, October 8, 2011


So to say thankyou to all you sweet, and dear followers, old and new ones! I`m having a giveaway.

Here she is,- a sweet low-colored angel bringing  her heart in her arms, to the lucky winner.

She is app. 30 cm. high-with rusted wings,and halo.

Also there will be a little extras : a zinc crone-and small pieces of bling-and a special  ribbon-piece.
I hope you likes my gifts.

The giveaway runs till  16/10- thats next sunday, and new followers can take part,too.

You just have to make a comment here on this post ,to maybe winn.

I am so thankful,for all you wonderful friends,I have met ,for you alwayes being there for me, when help is needed, or for an advise--or  a lovely mail- and your huge amount of beautiful blog posts, that makes my dayes ,filled with beauty.
I hope you know I so apreciate you all.
Hugs and love


Tanya said...

Hi, Dorthe...I am already the proud owner of your BEAUTIFUL artwork, so make sure someone else wins...I just wanted to drop by to wish you a wonderful day - XOXO Tanya

Wanda Maria said...

Your doll is precious. Such a sweet givewaway. Congratulations on your 400 follower milestone! That is a wonderful achievement!

suziqu's thread works said...

Oh to be blessed by an Angel wearing her heart made with the hands of another angel would be a small dream come true.
Congratulations my dearest friend for this milestone and it comes with no surprise to me at all.
Love and bless you and I wish for you hundreds more.
Suzy xoxox

Lynne Moncrieff said...

Dear Dorthe
I know how happy I am to have discovered your blog, your art and your friendship.
What a very special Giveaway, this is truly a Giveaway from the heart. Thank you for the opportunity to possibly with her.
I will add your Giveaway to my Blog's sidebar.
Here is to the next 400+ Followers!!!

Emilie said...

Kære Dorthe.
Rigtig hjertelig tillykke med de mange følgere her på din dejlige blog! Det er godt nok overvældende. :-)
Jeg vil selvfølgelig gerne deltage i din lille giveaway. Din engel er noget så bedårende!
Varme efterårshilsner herfra.

Anne Bente said...

åh..... jeg vil meget meget gerne med i trækningen, og sikke mange følgere, tillykke tillykke,
mange knus

~Marlene Krogh~ said...

Hej Dorthe !
Tillykke med de 400,det er der ikke noget at sige til, du laver nogle skønne ting !! Og din engel, ja hun må gerne bo i Billund ;0)

morkaren said...

Jeg forstår ikke engelsk, men jeg tror det er dukke/engle du selv fremstiller, og de er så søde og med personlighed. v.h. morkaren.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you sweet. xox Corrine

Anonymous said...

You have the MOST Beautiful creations!! Thank you the giveaway, I love following your blog

inge said...

wow what is she would be a honor to win her ...

Evi said...

Hi Dorthe, the winner of this very sweet angel will be a very lucky gal. She touches your heart.
I can see, you are as busy as I am.
But what fun we have!!!!!
Lots of hugs my friend,

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

Congratulations on over 400 followers. What would we do without our visitors? Your doll and goodies are sweet but you don't have to put my name in, I'd rather see someone else get the gifts, I just wanted to say hi and congrats!

Candylei said...

You are so kind and generous yourself! She is such a cutie and her tie up boots are adorable! I love the galvanized metal crown! Congratulations on 405 followers! Isn't blogging fun? ;-)

Terri Gordon said...

Hi Dorthe, Congratulations, your doll is so beautiful. What a lovely giveaway! I would treasure her so much. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Terri

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Dorthe,

Congratulations on all your followers and your blog is one I love to come and visit. The sweet Angel is so precious and there is going to be some lucky person who is overjoyed.
Hope that you have a wonderful weekend


JoAnne said...

Hi Dorthe,
She is beautiful and very special-as are you. What a lovely giveaway! Here's to 400 more !

Cindy Is Crafty said...

400 followers that is quite an accomplishment! Congratulations. I woul love to win your giveaway!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Dorthe,
I'm not surprised that your followers are growing. You are such a sweet person with so much talent and I'm glad that you are spreading it over Blogland.

I feel fortunate to know you and to be one of your blogging friends.


karen hess jewelry said...

Hi Dorthe...
You are an amazing artist and it doesn't surprise me that you have so many wonderful followers! Your giveaway is beautiful and I would love a chance to give her a home! Again, congratulations on this wonderful achievement!!

Marlynn said...

Oh, my dear dear friend, congratulations! You are such a sweetheart and I love your giveaway. Have a great weekend, Hugs!

Unknown said...

it has been MY pleasure following your lovely blog dear Dorthe and having the privilege of calling you a "friend." you so deserve this success. you are a kind and gentle person and i am very blessed to know you! Congratulations on your 400th follower! this is well-deserved and a VERY beautiful giveaway! I would be ever-so-honored to win! merci for the chance! ;)

Pink Princess said...

Congratulations on your 400 followers, wow :)
PLEASE enter me in this waesome give away too Dorthe. I collect angels and this one is to die for, so pretty.

Klemmer fra Meg, Marian

Cindy said...

Congratulations on your followers, your angel is beautiful. have a great weekend. take care.

marie said...

Congratulations Dorthe! Wow, 400 followers! Of course, you are a wonderful person to follow!

I wouldl ove to win a piece of your artwork...thank you for the opportunity!

sjmcdowell said...

Dear Dorthe,

So wonderful to have 400 followers who love you..including moi!! :)
I do adore your precious dolls and your sweet angel would be a blessing in my home. Please enter my name with the rest!

Enjoy you weekend :)


Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Congratulations on 400 followers, my sweet friend!!! Someone will be over the moon to win your gorgeous angel and the other lovely gifts. I'm very happy that we have met in blogland and I enjoy our friendship a lot.
Have a wonderful Sunday, dearest Dorthe :-)!
Big hugs og mange kys from here,

Createology said...

Congratulations Dear Dorthe. I always enjoy your blog and the fantastic art you make. Your precious angel is so generous to be given a new home. You are such a dearheart...

Hopemore Studio said...

Dorthe..400! What a milestone, congratulations. Beautiful doll and goodies. Crossing my fingers.

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hi Dear Dorthe, I always love to see your beautiful creations made by your sweet hands. Congratulations and many blessings, I'd love to be entered in your give away. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! xoxo

Sonya Badgley said...

Dear Dorthe,
We appreciate you too, my friend! Your angel is beautiful and would I LOVE to have this sitting in my studio watching over me! :)
Thank you for the chance and for your blogging friendship.
Big hugs being sent your way,

Lisa Graham said...

Aw, what a sweet dolly! You are so gifted! Congratulations to you on 400 followers! That is so great!

Blessed Serendipity said...

She is so pretty! Whoever wins her will certainly treasure her. I would love to enter your giveaway. I am already a follower.


Sandy said...

Hi Sweetie what a lovely giveaway.
Congratulations to many many followers. Your work is a fest for my eyes and I crossed my fingers. xoxo

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Hi dear Dorthe,
what a beautiful and generous giveaway!!The winner of your sweet
angel will be so delighted.Congratulations.
Have a wonderful weekend dear friend.

Gayle Page-Robak said...

Dear pleased to hear you reached your 400 goal..congratulations. I am so pleased to have been one of your recent followers as you have such a wonderful blog. I love your gorgeous angel giveaway and would like to be considered as well. Thank you for sharing your beautiful art pieces. Hugs, Gayle.

Sherry said...

Congratulations on 400 followers! Your doll is beautiful and I'd love the chance to win her.
I've added a picture to my sidebar too.

Many thanks,

Sherry :)

Gisèle said...

Congratulations Dorthe on your lovely giveaway; I would love to win your sweet angel...xoxox

Claudia said...

Congratulations, Dorthe! Winning anything made by you would be a dream come true!


she dreams big! said...

Oh Dorthe, you give all of your followers so much joy every time you post photos of your lovely creations! I'm not a bit surprised that you are at the 400 mark! Congratulations! And I think your little angel would be very, very happy living at my house (hint, hint)! Please count me in your giveaway and as one of your faithful followers!

Hugs ~~ Connie

Anonymous said...

Dear Friend, congratulations! Since I already have several of your beautiful creations, I'm giving up my chance to win so someone else has an opportunity. I'd feel greedy! But I know the winner is going to be one very, very lucky person!

Big hugs being sent across the globe to you!!


Kathy said...

Congrats on your 400th follower... HUGE milestone.
I enjoy my visits to see you, and your lovelies...

Mosaic Magpie said...

She is beautiful! The lucky winner will be sure to love her.

sharon said...

Congrat's on 400 followers my friend!
Your doll is so beautiful , just like you! HUgs......and you will hear from me soon!

Jamie said...

Oh, this would be a treasure to have! She is beautiful! Jamie V in MT

Ruffles and Relics said...

Hi Dorothy, I am a new follower..your angel is just precious!! Congratulations and many blessings, I'd love to be entered in your give away. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Sue K said...

Dorthe~She is just beautiful! I would love to win her!! I love your blog and your warm and interesting posts. I come and visit each time you post something new, and I am never disappointed. Thanks for offering this lovely prize!
hugs, Sue K

Sugar Lump Studios said...

Oh Dorthe
What a GORGEOUS giveaway! I adore her! She is so angelic! Beautiful details and oh so generous of you. One lady is going to be mighty happy winning this! Happy Sunday m'dear!

Anonymous said...

That's just amazing!! I hope to have that many some day. Love the Angel- she need to come to Maine!! COunt me in- fingers crossed- xo Lee

mema said...

I just joined your awesome site.
And Congratulations on your 400 follower milestone!
wilsonp five eight at yahoo dot com

morkaren said...

Det går op for mig, ved at læse de danske kommentarer at man kan vinde noget, men det er nu ikke derfor jeg "følger og skriver kommentarer", nej det er fordig jeg syntes dine engle/dukker er helt vidunderlige, så jeg må lige se hvad du nu har lavet. god søndagaften morkaren.

Lululiz said...

Congratulations on your 400+ followers, Dorthe, there will be many more to come in the future.
Your angel is so sweet, and I would of course dearly love to win it. You know how much I adore your angels and fairies. xx

*Pearls on a string** Dorthe said...

Hvor er den engel SKØN :-)
Og din blog er da så spændende og inspirerende. Har lige tilmeldt mig som fastlæser, er heltny som blogger. Glæder mig til at følge med her.
KH Dorthe

Robin said...

Congrats on your 400th follower Dorthe! Your angel is just adorable and someone will be thrilled to give her a new home. Have a wonderful day.


Rhonda said...

400 Followers! Congratulation, Dorthe! This is a delightful giveaway. Love your art and your blog - your grandchildren are beautiful, you have much to be proud of. Hugs from the heart - Rhonda

Minna Perälä said...

Congratulations Dorthe! I love your blog and your beautiful creations! Please count me in too :-))

Happy week my friend!

My Creative House said...

My dear Dorthe, your angel is very sweet and adorable, love the way you made her wings, du må have en rigtig god og kreativ dag søde, vi snakkes ved, er ved at gøre rent.
Knus Anni

Anneke said...

wow, this is a gorgeous and beautiful giveaway dorthe and you can count me in.
i would be trilled to win this, and i will place the link on my blog.
congrats with 400 followers.

Pretty Ragged Threads said...

Dorthe, congrats on 400 followers! I would love a chance to win your beautiful angel.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Congratulations on your milestone, Dorthe! What a wonderful giveaway...I would love to win!

Yitte said...

Dear Dorthe, congratulations with all your followers, but is is a pleasure for us that we can follow your blog. Always the most beautiful art and lovely words. Your angel is so lovely with her heart in her arms.
Have a nice week
Hugs and love Yvonne

Blessings from Cindy said...

What a beautiful angel and extra goodies to give to some lucky winner!! Your creations are just lovely & I would love to win! I am a new follower! Congrats on your 400 followers!

June said...

Oh she is a beauty dear Dorthe. What a lovely giveaway. Who ever wins her heart is a very lucky girl indeed. Congratulations on 400.

I am wishing a wonderful week to you dear one.
hugs from here...

Cheryl said...

Congratulations on 400 followers - I can see why you have so many - I just found your blog today and I will be following from now on!
I would so love to own your angel, so please add my name to your giveaway!

Terri said...

Congratulations on 400!!!
You have such a lovely blog full of inspiration! Your giveaway is so generous, what a beautiful angel!
I would love a chance to have her here.

mette laumann said...

Hej Eller jeg mener kæmpe kæmpe stort TILLYKKE ! Det er da for vildt tænk alle dem der ser alle de flotte ting du laver.
Jeg er på øen Søndag også kan jeg både se og røre hihi ;O)
Skriv hvornår det passer bedst at jeg kigger forbi
Kram og knus Mette

The Rustic Victorian said...

How wonderful your giveaway is, congratulations on so many followers.
Blessings in your day Dorothe

I saw your photo of the darling doll on Pinterest.

Cindy Adkins said...

Dear Dorthe,
Congratulations!!! This is really exciting!!! and your giveaway is amazing, my friend!!! WOW!!!!

Alisa Noble said...

Wow, 400... congrats, Dorthe!

Anonymous said...

Oh Dorthe, you are such a very special, kind and beautiful soul... no wonder you have reached such a magical milestone of 400 followers. And your art is always so beautiful.
I have always adored your beautiful angel dolls and this one is so very special she is warm and wonderful and i can tell she was made with love.
please add me in for the draw too
hugs June x

My Vintage Studio said...

Dear Dorthe,
Congratulations on your 400 followers!
Your doll is beautiful. I love visiting your blog...your creations are all so beautiful dear friend. I would love to be entered in your give away.
Hope your week is going well!
Hugs, Sharon

Vicki said...

Congratulations on your milestone! I am so glad to have met you this year.Thank you for the chance to win a piece of your work. She is beautiful.

Angela Richardson said...

Hi Dorthe,
What a beautiful soul she is, i love her!
Thank you for your kind comments on my blog.
Have a great week,
Hugs, Angela.

Alexandra said...

Ich will auch mit in deinen Lostopf. Das ist ja ein zauberhaftes Giveaway.
Ich liebe deine Engel. Gestern habe ich meine Weihnachtkiste vom Speicher geholt und deinen Weihnachtsengel von letztem Jahr wieder ausgepackt und ans Fenster gehängt :)
Schönen Tag dir liebe Dorthe
Hugs Alexandra

Old Paper Roses said...

Oh wow, I would love to enter your wonderful giveaway!
She looks beautiful that sweet ~Angel~.
Thank you for a chance to enter your pretty giveaway!

Hugs from Holland,

Rhissanna said...

I'm a new follower! Congratulations on reaching 400 followers!Your dolls are wonderful and your grandchildren look gorgeous! Yes please, I'd love to enter the draw for the giveaway!

BECKY said...

All so lovely, Dorthe!! How sweet of you to host this wonderful giveaway! Please enter me!!

I so love looking at all of your creations! You truly inspire me, gal!

Hugs to you!

Gustaviana said...

ooooo thank you for the kind words on my page....You have such a lovely blog full of inspiration!
i come often to see it.... xx viana

Lynn said...

Congratulations on so many wonderful followers, you are such a giving person and so talented, it is no wonder :)
I love your dolls, I love all of your work, and would love to enter your giveaway.

Ella said...

Congrats 400 is a milestone! Your art is lovely; I would so love to win~ Thank you for inspiring me!

Jillayne said...

Thanks also to you Dorthe, for such a wonderful blog. It's no wonder you have 400 Followers and I am so glad to be one of them!
Your angel is lovely and someone will be very lucky to win her...

Viola said...

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, meine Süße!
Ja, da mache ich doch zu gerne mit.
Deine doll ist wieder sooo genial, die möchte man doch gewinnen. :o)
Alles Liebe für Dich, Dorthe.

Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Dorthe,
Thank you so much for your sweet note--and after you told me about what happened with your husband I sure know that you can relate. I just pray that things will be alright...sending love and (((hugs))) your way,

The Feathered Nest said...

Dear sweet Dorthe, CONGRATULATIONS angel!!! I just love you and your blog...and love following your creative journey, you continue to inspire me!!! I would be honored to be entered to win any little thing ~ but your angel is absolutely beautiful!!! Sending you hugs and love, Dawn

Sue said...

Amazing - 400 followers and all because you have such a lovely blog! This angel is really beautiful and such a lovely expression on her face. I like the way she carries a heart full of love.

Rebecca Nelson said...

Your art is truly some of the BESTEST I've ever seen. You are amazing!

Congrats on the followers...more ARE going to find you!


annette said...

I would love to win one of your beautiful dolls. By the way your grandchildren are beautiful. O h to have that wonderful blonde color hair.

Vicki Boster said...

She is so beautiful- and she brings your sweet affection for your blogging friends with her. She will be loved which ever home she travels to. All the gifts are so lovely---

Congrats on your ever increasing followers- ( we all know a good thing when we see it)! You are so loved--


A Magical Whimsy said...

Hello, Dorthe
I remember first meeting you in Moss Hill Studio and also in Cloth and Clay doll ning. You have come a long way in your doll journey. Congratulations on having 400 followers on your blog!
I think of you often as you were a sweet inspiration from the first dolls that you made.
Thank you for having a sweet dolly giveaway.
You are blessed~
Teresa in California

Plush Possum Studio said...

You've reached the big 400!!! Congratulations!
I am a new Follower, and I just love the way you've designed your blog's pretty look.
Your doll and other lovely prizes are very special. Will you be delivering only within your part of the globe?
Enjoy your blog's success! And may there be many more milestones like this one to make you glad.

Evi said...

congratulations again on your 400 followers. Tomorrow is the big day and...a girl can hope!
Thanks for your wonderful comment.
Love and hugs, Evi

Suz said...

That is amazing, Dorthe, but I am not surprised. You are such lovely friend to so many, including me!
Big hugs and congratulations.
Suz in Barcelona!

Baggaraggs: said...

Dearest Dorthe.
i hope that ia m signed up. I love it that you have 400 folks to be signed uo Dorthe. That is fabulous! Love you. Robin

CreativSpirit said...

She is gorgeous and I would love to be the lucky winner. Thanks so much for the chance.

piccolaceleste said...

Ciao che bella bambola complimenti baci a presto lù..