Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A little "gift" from the Halloween witch

What do you think???
I love this custume made hat, it is weird!!!
But so wonderfull a halloween witch-hat.

And I love the old images, from more than 100 years ago

Just look at this family- wonder what my daughter would say, if she should
dress just like me-not that the difference is way big!!!but anyway!!!

She is the cutest I think, so adorable

Yes,-a little gift from the "witch"
I hope you like them, and can use them in some wonderfull art pieces.

Tomorrow, and the next 4 dayes, my house will be full of laughter-joy-and a tired grandma!!!
My little family are here for some fall hollydayes, and I`m so looking forward to se them.

I hope you too, are having wonderfull fall-/summer/winter-dayes-

See you soon, sweet ,dear friends.
Hugs,and love Dorthe


Lululiz said...

Well, look at you, pretending to be a wicked witch! Lol, even with that outfit, you can't convince anybody that you are wicked. You are way too nice. Great hat though, I like it!

Thank you so much for sharing those great photos with us. The little girl really is adorable, but I think I like the photograph of the three women best, it is a great group photo.

Have a lovely evening, xx

Lululiz said...

Ooooh, I think I am seeing double, did you post this twice?

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Dorthe!
Even nderneath that witches hat and veil you cannot hide your sweet self! It is a great hat though and would be wonderful to wear on Halloween!

Love those old photos too. I doubt that daughters like dressing like their Mothers after the age of 6! LOL.

Hugs and enjoy your family.


Rhonda said...

That hat is very nice....but you my dear are far from a wicked witch. Great costume, then, right?

Have fun with your family during the visit. I can imagine all the laughing and fun you will have.

I love your old photos, they are precious.

Shabby Cottage Studio said...

Dorthe, You look so (be)witchingly beautiful! :-) Thank you fro the images, I love the little girl and can't wait to use her for something.

Anonymous said...

You make a marvelously mysterious witch. Great hat.
Hope you don't scare the grandkids. Have fun with family. xox Corrine

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hello, Dear Dorthe, you look very "fetching" in that wonderful hat! Hope you have a lovely time with your family this week. Enjoy your fall, your package is on it's way and should be there in the next few days!!!
hugs and love,

Silke Powers said...

What a wonderful hat!! You are bewitching!!! Have a most wonderful and energetic time with your grandkids! Such a special time!! Much love, Silke

Carol Mae said...

Thanks for the nice words about my paper Wreaths. I really appreciate it. blessings to you, Carol Mae

Createology said...

My dear Dorthe you are the beautiful and good witch in this super clever hat. Enjoy your family and every minute you spend together. Happy Haunting...

Sue@MyArtsDesire said...

Thank you for sharing those wonderful photos, Dorthe! And here's wishing you more joy than your heart can contain as you spend time with your precious family! Xo, Sue

sharon said...

You are looking great in that hat Dorthe! That is really cool, and thanks so much for those wonderful images!
Enjoy the time with your family!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Dorthe,

Love your cute photo of you with the witch hat and veil, what fun!
The old photos you have shown are lovely.
Have a wonderful time with your family.


Mosaic Magpie said...

I am so glad you are a good witch. A good witch that shares great images. Have fun with the family.

Hopemore Studio said...

You are really in the spirit now! Your grandchildren may wonder what happened to their grandma...

Thank you the images, they are very sweet. I wanted to say I saw an exhibit at our local art museum over the weekend and there were several 100 year old dresses on display. I couldn't believe how tiny the waists were...corsets had to be very painful to create that look. Now when I look at vintage portraits I can't help but wonder if they can

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

GREAT hat!! Love the vail, and I love the old photo of the women in their very severe dresses. I'm fascinated by their clothing. Have fun with you little ones. You may be a bit tired, but it's gonna be SO worth it!!
Patricia :o)

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Your hat is perfect for Halloween, Dorthe! Great photos, too!

June said...

You are too darn cute to be witchy, my friend, way too cute!!!
I love the old family photos. I love the one with the women all dressed in black. Wouldn't they make a great witches coven?
Dorthe, thank you for the sweet comment you left me. It made my day.
hugs to you form here...

marie said...

Dorthe ~ you are a lovely witch!

Have a wonderful time with your family. Have lots of fun making memories!

Sandy said...

Ha Dorthe you look so beautiful.
Not a scary witch.

Thanks for the darling iamges my friend. I wish you a lovely day. Hugs.

Alexandra said...

Der Hut ist echt der Hammer!

Ich wünsch dir schöne Tage mit deiner Familie Dorthe.

Hugs Alexandr

My Creative House said...

Oh no, after seeing this picture of you I dare not go to bed tonight I'm afraid to get nightmares, hej søde jeg spekulere på om Henning siger at du viser dit sande jeg her - ha ha - flot hat, den klæder dig.
Knus Anni

Diane said...

LOOOOOVE that hat!!

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

You are such a sweet little witch, dearest Dorthe but where is your wand? Did the grandkids take it to make a huge amount of chocolates and other sweets appear ;-)?
Thank you for sharing those lovely images! Enjoy the time with your grandkids!
Have a great afternoon!
Big hugs and lots of kys og knus,

Ella said...

You are so cute in your witchy outfit! Love all of the vintage photos~ Thank you!

The Feathered Nest said...

You, precious friend, are the last person that would be a witch!!!! But the hat is a little bit spooky!!! I hope you have a wonderful time with your dear family...I'm sure you will be making many more wonderful memories together, hugs and love, Dawn

Deborah said...

Lovel your hat!

Sue said...

My goodness Dorthe, you are such a glamorous looking witch! I think it is the veiling!

Fabulous pics - thank you. Have fun with your grandkids.



Anonymous said...

Great hat!!

Anonymous said...

you are ever so cute and witchy!! love the hat!!!

and those photos are lovely indeed -- i LOVE old photos too. :)

Anneke said...

what a lovely weird hat.
thank you for sharing these gorgeous vintage images.
have a nice weekend dorthe

Anonymous said...

Oh you're such a dear! Obviously, you're a "good witch"! :-) I think it will be perfect to wear in your shop on Halloween! Love the veil. I've never seen anything like that.
Have fun with the children!!
Hugs, Diane

WW said...

nice pictures.

Rebecca Nelson said...

You totally crack me up! :)

I'm smiling big!

xo~Rebecca PS: Thanks for the link to my giveaway. I've entered you! :) xo

Beth Leintz said...

Your hat is wonderful- what fun- almost like a spider web attached to the top. Have a wonderful weekend with your family.

Marlynn said...

Oh, my dear, the hat is so you! I love it and you look beautiful in in it. Thanks so much for those wonderful photos. Have a great day, hugs, M

Lisa said...

Oh I love the witchy hat! You look great modeling it. It's great to see your pretty face even if it is covered in webs! I'm so happy you'll have your Mithilde with you soon! Lisa said...

What a witch hat! That will be great for Halloween.

JoAnne said...

Wonderful hat Dorthe!!!! I just visited Marie and saw the gifts she received from you-beautiful! Enjoy those grandbabies.

Jane said...

Have a wonderful time with your family...I bet you are one fun grandma!!
Love the witches hat and the old cabinet cards are always a favorite of mine.

Viola said...

Hihihi, Du siehst ja klasse aus, Süße!!! Aber Du bist eine gaaaanz liebe witch, nööö.... bist keine witch... Du bist doch ein Engelchen, hihi! Ganz liebe Grüße und viel Spaß mit Deiner Familie! Ich melde mich morgen bei Dir!:o)))

Anne Lorys said...

Oh Dorthe, you look darling!
Definitely a GOOD witch. :-)

Sugar Lump Studios said...

you look too sweet to dress as a witch - but I love the hat! the web is very creative! :)

Lovey said...

Dorthe I love the vintage images they are beautiful! I'm not a halloween fan but it's a very interesting hat! Big hugs to you my friend! said...

Love this fantastic witches hat and thanks for the beautiful photo's Dorthe.
Have a nice day. Trudie.

Vicki Boster said...

Is that you my friend? Love the hat - bet your grandchildren will love seeing you dressed up as a witch! (but you can't fool us - we all know how wonderful and sweet you really are!)
