A friend is - among many other things-joy and happines shared,
gifts given and recieved- one soul in two boddies. The magic of
soul sisters is a wonderfull thing to experience.
what can make a person more happy than recieving words, that ones
feelings are returned.
See here what she send me ,when recieving a pair of her wonderfull ballet-slippers.
A beautifull card, that turned around ,-revieled this handwritten "poem"

Together with this wonderfull token of friendship, Lisa had made me a
bookmark, showing ,the meaning of the words:--two sweet wemen,close to each other.

Lisa is not "only" a very dear and sweet friend, she is also a wonderfull artist,
and I`m in love with all she is doing.(you have to take a look at her blog)
See here ,-what could be more sweet, than a pair of the smallest ballet slippers,
I have seen---maybe 10-11 cm.long-- and they are beautifully altered.

look at the lace and silkband , the tiny old flowers, and the lovely fabric inside .
I love them , Lisa.
Thankyou so much for sending them to me, and for your so very dear and sweet gifts.
Silke and I are very different in doing our art, as you will see when visiting her.
She is a painter,on both canvas and on her own paper colage`es, that gets a wonderfull transparent look, they are wonderfull.
And I love her sweet painted faces.
This is a card I recieved from Silke with one of her
original paintings , and I just love it.
The photo don`t do the colors justice they are more in
blue and rosa tones, but I can`t get it right,sorry.

On the back Silke writes a poem by Anais Nin:
"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive,
and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born"
It is so very true ,and beautifull said, and I totally agree
with Silke,----My world has become bigger too,after meeting her and her wonderfull paintings ,and sweet soul.
Thanks so much my dear friend.
I have met many,many other wonderfull women and artists,the last year of blogging
and some of them has become very close, -for that I`m thankfull,
---As I am for all and everyone visiting me here, and following my blog.
I am wishing you all a very happy friday
xoxoxo Dorthe