My dear daughter and grandchild, gifted us unexpectedly with their visit
in the Pentecost days , and we had some wonderful and cozy days together!!
So many things have been and are going on just now, so I have not
created too much lately. But a few things have left my studio, like
this tag being a part of a gift for a very dear friend.
One of my lovely tulips blooming at last,
and my little crab apple tree have been so beautiful looking,too.
In Denmark we call it a Paradise apple tree !!
This, some of you, might seen on fb, and it is still not finished , but lying here wayting for
more inspiration , which will hopefully come soon.
Weather is cold and windy once again, it seems this spring will not
really get warm and lovely, -so I hope summer will soon be here,
and change the cold to warmer days !
I hope you are all well and feeling good dear friends, and sends you
hugs and love.
Dorthe x