wonderfull presents, so I cant wait
to show you some of them.
First i got the most amazing and
beautifull gift from Nellie
: http://www.earlymorningthoughts.typepad.com/
just because she wanted to send me one
of her wonderfull art things,and is a sweet
loving person.
This beautifull angel,that i so love. Its the first
handmade angel i ever got , ill have her around me
for ever.
And look at the beautifull card she made to follow
the angel.I feel so honoured to resieve such
a wonderfull present from this loving person.
Thanks al

And then look here a fantastic gift i resieved
from a very dear friend and costumer Mette
from Jylland.
A box full off wonderfull cobber pieces to
decorate on for small icons or pictures,
and some old rusty keyes too.
Im a lucky womann , and feel very blessed.
Thank you Mette

All dear blog friends have a happy thursday